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Gabrielle  had began feeling ill the last few days, she wasn't sure what it was and she began to think that Fatboy had given her an STI. She decided to buy a pregnancy test to be on the safe side, not wanting to suddenly jump to the conclusion that she may have been given an STI, which was highly unlikely with Fatboy.

She had already looked up the symptoms of STI's but her symptoms didn't entirely match up exactly, so she was hoping that she was just being paranoid. However she didn't want to jump to any conclusions so she decided to buy a pregnancy test just to be certain. Gabrielle  knew that the chances of her being pregnant with Fatboy's baby were also extremely low but she couldn't even remember if they used any form of protection.

Gabrielle  hid the unopened pregnancy test in her bedroom until she found the courage to use it. She was so terrified to take the test, she didn't want to know if her life was about to completely change...even if it was for the better or for the worse.

The longer she put it off, the more frightened she got. She really didn't want to take the test as she knew she would be scared if it turned out to be positive. She kept avoiding it for days but now she knew she couldn't avoid it any longer as she was getting very anxious and just needed it done - for her own sanity. She decided to go to the bathroom and take the test now, just getting it over and done with.

As soon as she had done the test she felt like crying and the next three minutes felt like the longest of her life. She stared at the test, praying that there would only be one line and not two, her heart beating faster and faster as she waited.

Gabrielle  looked down at the tester again, her breath catching in her chest as she saw two lines. She had a sudden urge to cry as she realized that it looked as though she was actually pregnant. Her mind flooded with so many thoughts, mostly being worried about how her family and friends would react.

"Fuck!" She screamed, punching the wall in anger. "Please, please be a joke!" she yelled, feeling tears stream down her face. after a while, she managed to gain her composure and she made her way outside of the bathroom, grabbing the test and hiding it in one of her drawers.

She hid the pregnancy test in her drawer, hoping that nobody would find it. She also began to think about her options. She knew she didn't want to go to her parents' about this, her mum especially would freak out and probably disown her. So her option was to hide it from her family and deal with it herself. Or, go through an unwanted abortion. She sat at her desk and sighed deeply, feeling conflicted.

She knew she didn't wanna get rid of it, it was still a baby at the end of the day and she knew that if she aborted it she'd feel a deep regret. She sat there, thinking, and came to the conclusion that she was going to go through with the pregnancy. It seemed like a crazy decision but she felt like she could manage it alone. She just didn't know how she would cope with it as she was only 15 years old. She didn't realise that this was only the beginning of a wild ride, as things were going to become even more intense very soon.

Gabrielle  began to debate whether or not she should move to Croydon where her dad was currently living, she knew that Croydon was far away and she knew she'd know nobody there and that meant nobody would know about her pregnancy.

She considered the idea of moving to Croydon, it seemed like a rational solution to her issues. Nobody there knew her, so her reputation would not be damaged. Additionally, she would probably receive support and care from her parents over there. However, she would also be far away from her friends and everyone in her town, which was a major sacrifice to make.

Gabrielle  decides to grab her phone and call her father, she didn't expect him to answer straight away but he did. "Dad?" Gabrielle  choked as she tried to stop herself from crying.

Her dad was taken by surprise by her sudden call out of the blue, he wasn't expecting a call from her so early in the morning so when she started crying he was concerned that something might have happened to her. "Gabrielle ?" he asked, with slight panic in his voice. "Is everything alright sweetheart?" he asked, sounding much more concerned that he normally would if she called him up for no real reason.

"Somethings happened in Walford, is it possible I could move down to Croydon?" Gabrielle  asks, feeling her hands shake as she asked him. "I know you've got a new family down there, but please" she begged, tears now streaming down her porcelain skin.

"Yeah, of course you can," her dad replied, a faint sense of relief washing over him that it wasn't something serious. "I would love to have you down here with me," he added, which was somewhat of a surprise to her. But she wasn't going to ask any questions, she just wanted to get there as soon as possible to get away from all of the problems she was dealing with back at home.

Gabrielle  sighs in relief, she takes a deep breath before speaking again. "When can you pick me up to bring me down?" she asks, sighing deeply. "Could you pick me up in a few days?"

"Of course, darling," he replied, he wasn't sure if she was just using him as an escape but he didn't really care. "You get yourself packed up and ready, I'll be there at 3PM this Sunday."

"Thank you, I love you dad..." Gabrielle  smiles softly before hanging up, she begins to get herself packed and ready for Sunday.

Gabrielle  suddenly hears footsteps from outside her room, she notices them as her mum and her step-dads. Her parents stand there blankly, looking down at how many bags Gabrielle  currently had.

Gabrielle 's heart stopped beating when she saw her mother and step-father standing outside of her door, her mother looked so disappointed at the bags that she was packing whilst her step-father just stared at her blankly. "Where do you think you're going?" her mother asks, her tone clearly filled with irritation.

"Croydon" Gabrielle  snapped back, staring at her mother Joanne with a blank expression. "Seeing as my dad is down there..."

Joanne sighed as she glanced at her husband, he was glaring at their daughter now, clearly not happy with the situation at all. Joanne took a step closer to her, her mouth opening up to speak. "You can't just move to Croydon, you're only fifteen!" she snapped, not wanting to listen to her daughters rational reasoning, not when she knew that things would get worse for her if Gabrielle  moved away.

"Yes I can, my dad lives there...I can do what I like!" Gabrielle  yells back, a look of disgust on her face. "Plus, the law states that at 16 you can leave home."

Joanne was furious, not with only the fact that their daughter was planning to move to her father's home, she was infuriated by the backtalk as well. "You aren't legally an adult yet so no, you still need my and your fathers consent to move!" Joanne replied, glaring at her daughter with an icy stare.

"That ain't my dad" Gabrielle  scoffs, looking up at Keith angrily. "My dad lives in Croydon, and that's where I'm going"

Keith sighed angrily as Gabrielle  refused to listen to what he was saying. His face filled with anger as he yelled back at her. "You can't just choose your dad over your mum and I, we're the ones who look after you, not your damn father," he exclaimed, not knowing that he was only making the situation worse for himself. "You can't just move out, we're your parents."

"No, you care more about Courtney, i'm just a product of teen pregnancy!" she shouts, grabbing her bags and placing them on her bed. "I'm leaving and you can't stop me!"

Gabrielle 's step-father looked at her with disbelief, he was shocked at how she responded to his attempt at trying to stop her. He couldn't believe how much she defended her real father, she looked just like him and had his attitude too. He stepped into the room, his body language aggressive as he moved towards her. "Are you seriously going to move to Croydon to live there with your dad, over staying with your mum and I?" he demanded.

Gabrielle  nods, she folds her arms angrily. "I just need to leave, alright?!" she screams, looking at the two angrily. "I need to leave London..."

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