
48 2 0

|| 25th January 2013


Gabby waved her daughter goodbye as she walked into school, a big smile on her face as she was ready to meet her friends again. Gabby felt a sense of relief knowing that her daughter was going to be safe for the day.

As she walked back onto the square she noticed Fatboy walking infront of her, so we walked over, covering his eyes yet again. "Guess who!" she smirks, biting her lip.

"Don't!" Fatboy sighed, removing her hands from his eyes. "I'm too stressed today..." Fatboy groaned, looking at his fiancé with a look of annoyance.

"Who pissed on your chips?" she snapped back, furrowing her brows in confusion. "Something happened?" she suddenly questions, her voice going soft.

"I uh...it's just, I had this big night planned with all the dj'ing stuff and it's gone down the drain!" he groans, rolling his eyes. "I'm so annoyed!"

"You can have it at mine?" Lauren suddenly chimes in, a grin on her face as Joey stands next to her.

"What...seriously?!" Fatboy says, his eyes widening in surprise. "Nah, Lauren are you serious?!" Fatboy questions, clearly in disbelief by what Lauren had just told him.

"yeah, I don't think my mum will care?" Lauren scoffs, folding her arms with a smug look on her face. "look, it'll be fine..."

"Thank you!" Fatboy smirked, clapping his hands together. "Aww you're a life saviour, Lauren!"


Gabby sighs looking at Fatboy as he gathers his dj equipment inside the living room. She leans against the doorway and stares at her fiancé in annoyance. "You're gonna do your dj stuff while Im stuck at home?" the blonde asks, tilting her head slowly.

FatBoy shrugs his shoulders as he carries his last speaker and plugs it into the wall...as she stares at him.

"Well um...yeah...it's part of my job...and...I'm not really supposed to leave my equipment unattended...so...what do you want me to do? Go without my equipment?"

"no...it's just, does Lauren's mum even know about the party?" she asks, sitting down on the sofa and picking up a bridal magazine.

FatBoy shrugs once again...as he shakes his head. "Nah...if she knew...she'd just freak out for obvious reasons...and honestly..." he sighs as he finishes up wiring up the speaker...as he then glances over at her. "Is it okay if I ask you a question?"

"What?" she snaps, looking up from the magazine.

FatBoy sighs softly for a moment...as he keeps his eyes on her. "Well um...okay...you're not mad at me for going out again are you?"

"No, of course not!" Gabby reassures him, placing the magazine down and walking over to him. "I just miss you, that's all..." she says, placing a hand on his shoulders.

FatBoy then smiles slightly as he places the speaker down onto the ground...as he slowly raises his hand and holds her hand for a few quick seconds.

"Yeah...I think I can understand that...okay...I'll try to limit how much I go out then..." he chuckles softly as he gently squeezes her hand. "Happy?"

She nods slowly, giving him a small smile. "suppose" she shrugs, looking down at her feet.

FatBoy chuckles softly as he looks down at her as well. "Hey..." he says softly...as he gently rubs her back a bit. "What's wrong? You seem a little upset..." he frowns slightly.

"I've just been feeling really tired lately..." she yawns, looking up at him and chuckling. "I think I may aswell just get some sleep" she smiles softly, rubbing her eyes.

FatBoy chuckles softly as well...as she rubs her eyes. He sighs and looks down at her for a moment.

"Yeah...if you're feeling this tired...I suppose this is a good time to sleep then..." he nods slightly. "But...can I ask you something first?"

"Sure" she says softly, placing her hand on her head.

He lets go of her hand for a moment...before he sighs as he rubs his head as well. "Are you...sure that everything's alright?...I know you said that you feel tired...but are you feeling any other kind of way?" he frowns slightly.

"no, just tired...and hungry, a lot." She answers back as she rubs her stomach. "I've eaten though, so."

"But you're sure that's all?" he murmurs as he sighs. "No nausea? No tiredness that's beyond what you'd normally expect? No headaches?" he then asks as he looks down at her again.

"uh...a bit of sickness and headaches" she replied, yawning again. "Get to your party, hmm?" she says while yawning. "I'll go lay my head down a few hours..."

FatBoy chuckles softly at that...as he sighs. "Alright then...just be sure to get some rest..." he murmurs as he moves backwards a few steps...as he glances back at her once more. "Alright...? Just...be sure to take care, okay?"

"Mhm..." Gabby nods as she makes her way over to the bedroom. "Have fun, yeah?" She says softly, folding her arms.

FatBoy just nods as he watches her move away...as he then just sighs softly. "Yeah...I'll have fun..." he chuckles softly as she makes her way into the bedroom...as he then just stares at the doorway for a little bit...before he turns around to make his way out to the party.


Gabby stumbled slightly as she made her way over to her front door, the pounding that came from it causing her to have a headache just from that sound. "Alright!" She yelled as she swung the door open, noticing her mother standing with Connie.

Joanne is standing in front of her...as she holds onto Connie's hand as well. She seems to be in a bad mood...as she glares over towards Gabby as the door swings open.

"Oh my god!" Gabby spoke, noticing the time. "I completely forgot, I'm so sorry!" Gabby stammered as she took Connie off her mother.

Joanne sighs...as Connie then just looks up at Gabby while she gets held...as Joanna keeps staring at her in anger. "Yeah...well...I hope that you have a valid excuse for this..." she grumbles as she shakes her head.

"I fell asleep, I didn't even notice the time" she stammers, coughing.

Joanne sighs once again...as she then crosses her arms in anger. "You just fell asleep...?" she sighs. "Well then...just...go take Connie to bed...I should've known that you were going to find a way out of watching her tonight..."

"She's my daughter, what do you mean, watching her?" She scoffs, tilting her head. "Sweetie, go and play in your room" Gabby smiles, ushering her daughter away.

Joanne sighs...as she just keeps watching Connie as she goes away...as she finally looks back over toward the door. "Don't even think of asking me for any favors in the future..." she grumbles...before she turns around and leaves the flat, practically slamming the door off its hinges.

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