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"I'll pay for those." Peter forced his way to the card reader before Lucia had time to pull out her wallet.

She gladly closed her bag and whispered, "I like him." I chuckled and nudged her slightly, gravitating towards Peter's side.

He put an arm around my waist, "I've never seen someone spend so much time on groceries." I smiled as I watched Daniel helped Lucia put the items in her reusable tote, "She has to be one of a kind."

"She is." As we walked outside, the sun was now slowly rising to reach its highest point in the sky. We passed an all blacked out car in the front and there was no doubt that it was his. Peter helped us load the groceries then walked me to my side of the door.

He opened the door and leaned on it so that we were at eye level, "Am I going to see you tonight?"

"Yeah." I whispered nodding, "Will I see you?"

He chuckled and gestured towards the car, "Get in, don't want you falling asleep on the pole tonight." I got into the car and he closed the door tapping the top of the car before walking away.

There was a silence and I looked over at Lucia who was staring off into the distance, she was never speechless. "Well do you—"

"Daniel kissed me." My eyebrows shot up and she slowly brought her eyes over to meet mine. I could see her usual pale cheeks a small tint of red, "I loved it."

My jaw dropped slightly before my lips twisted into a wide smile, "It was about fucking time with you two." She chuckled and I reached over to hug her, "So?"

Lucia put the car into drive, "He asked me out to dinner tonight—well breakfast because I work nights but...yeah." I could see a small gleam in her eyes and I wondered if mine did the same. "Also I like Peter."

My smile managed to become even wider, "And the alleged rumors of him sleeping around the club?"

She bit down a smile and I chuckled softly, "I guess they've been debunked for now."


Hazel walked with me around the club, "Right now to you everyone seems new but slowly you'll start to notice who's a regular and who's not." I looked around at the men and women in the booths and in front of the stage. "Be nice to everyone you encounter, you never know who has the strongest ties with DeLeón."

"What if they're assholes?" Hazel chuckled and that answered my question way more than words can. I continued to follow her around, taking note of the open businesses that were happening that I'd have to get used to seeing again. A few drug trades and women being brought for large prices.

"This is the man you need to know." I tuned Hazel back in and faced the gold colored bar. A man dressed in all black with a towel hanging off his shoulder and squared glasses was serving drinks, "Emilio."

He served the rest of his drinks before acknowledging us, "Hazel and DeLeón's new star." My face flamed up at the nickname and I followed Hazel's lead and took a seat at the bar. "Seeing you up close rather than on stage, you really are beautiful Eliana."

"Thank you." I muttered and Hazel cleared her throat.

Emilio's eyes glazed over to her, "Emilio has been working here for years, I think he's been bartending for DeLeón since he was..."

He filled in the blank, "Seventeen." My eyes widen and he directed his attention back to me, "Favorite mix?"

I pondered for a moment, "French 75." He nodded and started prepping the drink. It was entertaining to see him take such simple ingredients and combine them together, adding his own twists. He slid the drink down in front of me and I took a sip, "Wow."

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