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As I slowly regained consciousness, I felt a heavy pressure settle in the back of my neck. I tried to lift my head but I was unable to pick it up. I began to panic as I slowly realized I was unable to move anything on my body no matter how hard I tried. I struggled to even speak as my throat muscles felt numb, I was paralyzed. There was the sound of heavy footsteps that made the floorboards underneath them creak. "If you just listened..." His voice resembled the same one I heard before I passed out, I could still feel his words reverberate down my ear canal. He sighed, "I wouldn't have to take such crazy precautions with you."

I tried to mumble a question but no words formed on my lips and my eyes remained glued to the ceiling. I could hear him walking around the room. "You have a bit of bruising on your neck but we can cover that up with a scarf, what's important is that you're alive." Soon a man's huge face filled my vision and my heart began to beat even quicker in my chest. He had a large tattoo going down the right side of his face, his blue eyes menacing. "Meaning I did what I had to do."

What did that mean? What did any of this mean? I couldn't understand why I was special and wanted by them so much; why going through the trouble of keeping me was more important than letting me go. I hated that I couldn't ask all the questions burning through my mind. I was nothing more than a rag doll in their clutches. He smirked down at me and my heart caused a pain in my chest at how quickly it was beating. I couldn't do nothing but stare in his eyes as I remained frozen in the position I was in.

There was a small ringing and the bald man's face fell back, the view of the ceiling returning. Soon I could feel a heat in front of me and the anxiety in my chest continued to increase. I had no idea what he was up to, and I was stuck to this bed with no way to get myself out. I don't know how long it's been since I disappeared but I hoped the boys were coming for me. That Elias went to them for help and they were coming for me. I could feel tears form in my eyes and they burned my pupils as they ran down my face.

I missed them.

There was a squeak of a door opening and I heard much more footsteps come in the room. All I could do was calm my heart and lay still in hopes that whatever they injected me with would soon wear off. I had to remain obedient to what they wanted, if I didn't there will be more injections I was sure of it. I heard the snap of fingers, "Pick her up and take her to the dining room along with the other one." I was lifted up off the bed and I came in full view of the tattooed man. He was taller than I thought and his build very slinky but lean. He was dressed in all white, not a smudge on any of his clothes. "They are our esteemed dinner guests for tonight's show."

I could hear the sarcasm drip from his words and I hated that I couldn't clench any of my jaw muscles. All I could do was watch as they dragged me out of the room and down a hall. One of the men opened a door and a grand dining hall came into view. Long tables lay in the middle that looked like they could seat more than a hundred guests as it stretched towards a large stage at the end. The room itself was decorated with silver and white decorations; down to the curtains covering the windows to the chairs. Although unique in its own pattern, each item in the room was a white, silver or a mixture of both. "Sit."

I was sat in a chair and immediately began to be cuffed down the minute my ass was in it. They had cuffs that restricted my arms and others for my legs. "Let's see you try to escape out of these." I couldn't move my head to look but he spoke enough for me during my stay here to recognize his voice. He came around the table and was clutching onto his left arm with an anger hot in his gaze towards me. He eased me, "I wish he would just torture and kill you like any other bitch we've had to deal with."

I wanted to say something back, something I knew would agitate his hate towards me even more. If I was as special as they claimed, they wouldn't hurt me no matter what I say or do. But nevertheless, my mouth was useless and all I could do was stare back with an emotionless face. The door opened and the man with the silver streaks glanced over, his gaze becoming even more intense. That only meant one thing, Clarissa.

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