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I dressed Peter's bloody and bruised arm, "I expected this from Patrick." I tightened the dressing as I wrapped it around his arm and he winced at the act, "You could've gotten yourself killed Peter!"

He looked up at me his eyes sunken in pain of the events of tonight, "I made sure to come home to you."

I finished dressing his arm and kissed him, "I know." I ran my fingers through his hair and watched his face reveal his satisfaction when I did, "Thank you."

He got off the chair and stood up reminding of our height difference once again. He stretched his arm flexing it slightly and I chuckled, "Good as new nurse Ana, thank you." He put his hands on my waist and pulled me toward him, "I have another area that's been hurting and it's beats painfully at the sight of you."

I bit down on my lip and Peter groaned as I did. I tippy toed so that I could put my arms around his neck staring up at him, "I know that pain all too well."

His lips hovered over to my ear and I could feel a shiver chill over my body at the feeling. He whispered, "I bet you do don't you my little dancer?"

I couldn't deny the feeling that was drilling itself into my core with his words, "Touch me Peter." I asked and begged of him quietly, "Please."

He teased, by rubbing me above my shorts, his fingers long, slender, and smooth causing a hot wet sensation to take over my lower region. I moaned softly at the desire to have him, the desire to feel his fingers against me. It was a desire I had for both of my men.

"I want to." He removed his fingers and I groaned at the denial, "But then we'd be late for work, and my Uncle has important people coming, he needs everyone there and ready to work on time tonight."

I could still feel the sticky want down below, "I'm going to have to shower and change before we leave." Peter smirked and I rolled my eyes at him, heading for the stairs towards our room.

"Don't take long, we can't afford to be late in all seriousness DeLeón will have our heads if we did." I picked up the pace fearing what DeLeón did to late comers. Especially on an important night like tonight.


I poured water from the dispenser into the cup taking repeated sips of water. I pushed down on the button, "Someone looks ready for the festivities of tonight."

My eyebrows jumped at the sight of Silas walking towards me, "Silas?" He smiled, "Oh my gosh no way." I finished my water and embraced him in a tight hug, "What are you doing here?"

I hadn't seen him since the first training session, he'd been missing from the trainings for weeks. Patrick said DeLeón put him and his team on a task, they came back earlier than expected. "DeLeón wanted as many men as he could spare to be here for security." He shrugged, "I was on my way back from my assignment and I knew you were here so I decided to volunteer."

I bit down a smile at him, "I'm glad you're home safe." I offered him some water and he accepted, "How was the assignment, did you guys find what you were looking for?" I could never imagine going out into the field, dancing on a stage is where I belonged.

"Yeah I think we made him proud." He tossed the cup into the trash next to the dispenser, "How about you?" I forcefully swallowed the lump in my throat with the water, "How have you been feeling since..."

"Better." I whispered and shrugged, "I have to keep going with eyes behind my head, but I'm better." Frisco wasn't going to have me slowly going insane, but it didn't mean that I wasn't worried about him.

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