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As I ate, I could feel Lucia's eyes burning into the side of my face. I slowly looked over at her, "What?"

"Both of them Ana?" I could feel heat settle behind my neck, "You are dating both of them?"

I took another bite nodding, "They've done it before Lucia, it's not a big deal I mean I think I'll like it." Truthfully I had no clue what I just decided to do. Wanting both of them was a thought, actually having both of them was an entirely different thing. I tried to stop myself from thinking of earlier on the couch.

"But you've never dated two people before." She squinted at me, "Right?"

"I haven't." I didn't talk a lot about my life back in Spain, but she knew the gist of it. "First time."

She picked up our new cat, Mister, off the ground. His tag was a little bow tie, "I wonder if they had a third brother, would you date him too? Or their Uncle?"

"Lucia?!" Patrick and Peter were more than enough. I would've been content with just Peter but something pulled me towards Patrick. A feeling I couldn't explain. "I'm fine with the both of them, third brother or Uncle is out of the picture no matter how tempting."

She chuckled and let Mister lick her fingers, "So if we were to do double dates, how would that work?"

I shrugged, "Like a regular double date?"

"But there's two of them."

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm, "It's still two couples going on a date, the theory still applies!" I picked up my plate and brought it to the sink, "Now enough with the questions and hurry we're about to be late."


"Peña!" I let go of the exit door of our lecture hall, walking back into the classroom. Lucia was already out, copying index card notes from a classmate. I stood in front of Professor Halden's desk, "Your recent research paper on the effects of trauma on the body was tremendous. I mean you took such a broad topic and wrote a very niche take on it, I'm impressed."

"Thank you so much Professor." I liked the praise it reminded me that I was more than just a stripper. I was that and so much more than others may see.

He nodded, "Yeah, I spoke to a few of my colleagues and we would love to have it published." My eyebrows shot up, "I mean with more research this can become a successful paper."

"Yeah, just let me know what I can do Professor." I haven't exactly finalized what I wanted to do once I got my degree, but this paper would help my resume.

"I will Peña, you have a great rest of your day." I returned the nice words and walked out of the lecture hall. Lucia was still taking pictures of our classmates notes, and I shook my head as I walked up to them.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, "You know writing our own notes would be faster than this AND you'll be studying as you go so, win win."

"I'm saying." Our classmate muttered in agreement.

Lucia gave me a side eye and I chuckled softly rocking myself as I watched her snap photos. She finished up on the last card and sighed, "Thank you." Our friend closed her binder and walked away. We both looked back at her as she left, "She's such a sweet girl."

"You could take notes Ms. Wu." Lucia jaw dropped and I chuckled nudging her, "Joking, wanna get lunch?"

"I would love to get lunch with you." We walked out of the building towards the parking lot and my steps slowed at the sight of Daniel with flowers. Lucia gasped softly as she sped up towards the car, "Daniel?"

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