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I was helping Lucia get ready for her brunch date with Daniel. She turned around for my opinion and I was too busy in my thoughts to notice, "Alright spit it out." Lucia took a seat next to me on the bed pulling me out of my head, "You've been distracted since I picked you up, what is it."

I explained it all to her, and I watched her eyes widen with each explanation. "But Hazel thinks I have a chance if it comes down to having them both."

"Just thinking about choosing both is crazy." I frowned and she put her hands on mine, "Okay I'm sorry, what's keeping you from just picking Peter?"

The greedy desire to know how Patrick could possibly make me feel. "I want to give Patrick a chance too." It was selfish, but I couldn't help it.

She sighed and got up returning to her placement in front of the mirror, "You only live once Ana." She looked at me from her reflection in the mirror, "Whatever your heart desires is what matters."

"I think that's cute, maybe with some nude heels." I commented, taking in her outfit.

She giggled, "I was thinking that!" The doorbell rung and her eyes widen, "Distract him while I finish!" I chuckled and walked out of the room to the door.

I opened it and Daniel was dressed nice, which was probably just a causal outfit for him. But since I've only seen him in his work attire, this was new for me. His low cut was freshened up, and he had piercings in his ear. I never knew he wore those. I smiled, "Good morning Daniel, how may I help you?"

He held onto the flowers in his hand tighter, "Oh, I'm here to take Lucia out for brunch I thought she would've told you." He scratched the back of his head and I smirked, "She so told you didn't she."

"Correct I was stalling." I stepped to the side and Lucia walked up to Daniel. He didn't say a word once she was in view, "This is when you tell her she looks nice."

"You look so beautiful Lucia," he immediately blurted out and I smiled. "These are for you."

Lucia smelled them and admired them for a moment, "They are beautiful Daniel, how did you know to get lilacs in particular?"

He shrugged, "Because you always stare at them during checkout, even if they are the smallest cluster of flowers there." His brown cheeks turned a little red and my eyebrows jumped knowing how nervous he had to be for me to see. "I'm not creepy I promise, I—"

Lucia cut him off with a kiss handing the flowers to me. I took them and she wrapped her now free arm around him, "I don't think you're creepy at all."

I shooed them away from the door wanting to sleep, "Alright love birds, get out of here." Watching their encounter made my heart swell and I hoped to experience the same feeling with my own man. I called out as they walked away, "And don't even think about working tonight Lucia Wu, cause you're quitting!"

She didn't question it, shooting me a thumbs up as Daniel opened the door to let her in the car. Daniel closed the door and mouthed a 'thank you' in my direction before getting into the car. I chuckled to myself and closed the door, heading to the kitchen. I poured some water in a vase and put the lilacs in.

The doorbell rung and my eyebrows pulled in together at who it could be. I saw Lucia's purse on the small coffee table and shook my head. I grabbed it opening the door, "I always tell you...Peter."

I didn't expect to see him on my doorstep anytime soon. He looked at the purse in my hand, "Were you about to go somewhere?" I shook my head, no, "You left before I could see you, can I come in?"

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