Part 1 : chapter 6

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"What ?!"

"This is the only way you can join us!"

Utahime and Satoru were sitting next to each other in the little sanctuary at the back of the property.

The two children usually met there every Sunday afternoon when Utahime was relieved of her daily tasks.

The other wards generally took advantage of this time to go for a walk in Tokyo, join friends or visit their families when they did not live too far away.

Utahime was one of the only ones to stay in the house even on Sunday afternoons.

Satoru explained to Utahime the way he had found for her to join the hollyhock offering ceremony in the Kamigamo shrine.

This was a part of the ceremony where the public was not invited; only influential exorcist and non-exorcist families in Tokyo could participate.

"Play the role of the ceremonial priestess? That's completely absurd, and insane ! I'm not even from the imperial family!" (°In the Aoi Matsuri festival parade, the role of ceremonial priestess was traditionally given to one of the imperial princesses. Nowadays, this role is given to one of the daughter of the wealthiest families.)

"But you really thought the ceremonial priestess was an imperial princess??" retorted Satoru, bursting out laughing.

"This is not the case ?" asked Utahime, surprised and a bit offended.

"We are in 2000, not in 1750 anymore! All the people we see in the parade are actors! Noble ladies, princes, imperial guards! They are actors!" replied Satoru who was having some difficulty to stop his laughter.

"Oh really ?!.."

Utahime felt extremely stupid.

Until now, she had really thought that the members of this annual parade were from the real imperial family.

" Anyway !!! But I'm not an actress either! How could I take on such a role? And how am I going to explain my absence to the head servant?"

"You don't need to have studied for ten years to play this role. The priestess does nothing except sit in a palanquin and smile stupidly at the spectators ... Is it too difficult for you?"

Utahime glared at him. Gojo Satoru never hesitated to tease her.

In just four-five months, the two children had quickly become closer and, even if they did not admit it to each other, they had become friends.

"And then for the head servant, all you have to do is tell her that you are sick? That you have severe gastroenteritis that forces you to stay bedridden all day? She won't dare go into the room to check!"


"This is the only way you can join us inside the sanctuary. The parade usually begins next to the Imperial Palace at the South Gate, then passes through Marutamachi-dori Avenue, Kawaramachi-dori Avenue and Aoi-bash Bridge, and ends at around half past eleven at Kamigamo Shrine. Then you will be brought inside the sanctuary!"

Suddenly, a long gong sound was heard in the surroundings.

It was time for Gojo Satoru to return and join the rest of his family in paying their weekly respects to the ancestors. This ritual took place every Sunday at the end of the afternoon.

"I'll wait for you here next Saturday, around six in the morning?"

Gojo Satoru didn't even wait for Utahime's response. Barely had he said those words that he had already rushed towards the house.

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