Part 1 : chapter 10

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(Sorry this chapter is longer than usual ! Also, this playlist fits very well with this chapter - don't mind the titles haha !)


When Utahime finally woke up, it was almost night.

She was in a room with several beds and medical equipment.

She didn't recognize where she was. She tried to recall the last memories of her day, but without any success.

She had a terrible headache.

Utahime wanted to get up and quickly leave this place, but at that moment, a woman dressed in a white blouse appeared.

"Ah! you're finally awake!" I'll warn the others!" the young woman said.

"The others?" automatically thought Utahime.

Unfortunately, the teenage girl had no time to think further. Gojo Satoru and a tall, muscular man in his forties appeared in the room.

Satoru ran to Utahime's bedside.

"I was really worried, you know??" Satoru shouted to her.

"Where am I ?" asked Utahime.

"We are at the Tokyo Exorcism High School. Professor Yaga brought you to the school infirmary to treat you!" replied Satoru.

"Professor Yaga?"

"GOD DAMMIT, you don't remember me young lady!?" almost shouted the latter.

Utahime remembered.

On the day of the Aoi Matsuri festival, this was the man who prevented her from hearing the rest of the conversation between Satoru's uncle and Naobito Zenin.

And who was convinced that she had gotten lost in the forest. Life was truly full of surprises. How was this man a teacher at the Tokyo Exorcism High School....?

"Ah, yes I remember now. Thank you very much for helping us, sir." Utahime said, while respectfully tilting her head.

"No worries, kids. But be more careful in the future!!"

Utahime immediately glanced at Satoru. Had he told her about their excursion to the Zenins? Satoru shook his head slightly.

They didn't need to talk to understand each other.

"Yes, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I will reimburse you for the medical expenses." said gently Utahime.

"No need!" It was an emergency. It's my duty to help young people in distress!"

"Maybe we should let her rest a little more?" the young nurse interrupted.

" You are totally right. Let's go out! I must take care of my stuffed animals too!" Masamichi Yaga roared as he took steps towards the exit.

Everyone was getting ready to leave when Utahime discreetly grabbed the sleeve of Satoru's sweater and whispered to him.

"Stay a little."

Satoru sat on the small stool in front of Utahime's bed.

The nurse told Satoru that he could only stay five more minutes, then closed the door.

"What exactly happened with Naobito Zenin?" Utahime immediatly asked.

"Well, it's quite simple! I convinced him to help me!"

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