Part 2 : chapter 7

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The next day, when Utahime woke up, she was surprised to see that Satoru's apartment was already empty.

She hurried to check the time on the clock but it was only seven in the morning.

Satoru was nowhere to see. It was like he vanished into thin air (again).

Where did he go so early in the morning? She didn't know he was an early bird...

The sheets in his room were still intact; it was as if he hadn't slept all night.

Utahime quickly prepared to go out and join her comrades for their first mission together.

On her way to school, Utahime mulled over the events of the day before: her heated discussion with Kashimo in the rain, as well as her strange evening with Satoru...

Far too much things had happened in only one single evening.

Utahime decided not to tell the other friends about her meeting with Kashimo. What's the point of worrying them about this?

They all already had their minds full of worries? Perhaps it was best to let them think that Kashimo had simply decided to quit school, and lead a quiet and peaceful life outside.

Utahime felt somehow bad because of her behavior with Gakuganji teacher. In a way, he wanted to protect them. Knowing the truth wasn't always a good thing.


Arriving near the main gate of the school, she saw her classmates waiting for her. Satoru was also among them.

Geto Suguru: "Are you okay senpai? You left so suddenly last night...?"

Shoko: "Where have you been? I tried to call you more than twenty times last night?!"

Mei Mei: "I hope no one stole your phone."

Utahime: "I am sincerely sorry for worrying you. I ran out of battery, so I couldn't answer your calls..."

Shoko: "But what happened exactly...?"

Satoru: "I don't think we have time for this kind of discussion? We have a mission to carry out."

Everyone was quite astonished by Satoru's tone. Utahime too didn't understand this sudden change in his behavior. Satoru wasn't known for being the diligent type of student...

Geto Suguru: "(coughs) Yes, it's true, you're totally right Satoru. We should get going! Professor Gakuganji gave us the following address in this envelope. (etc) "


The location of their first mission together was the Tokyo Grand Justice Court.

What's really surprising about that? How many vengeful cursed spirits were born during these trials where parents often saw their child's criminal imprisoned for only ten years? How many women saw their rapist walk away almost unscathed due to the lack of evidence? Or how many innocents were wrongly judged by an unfortunate combination of misfortunes?

The walls of this court gleamed with plagues of all kinds.

Mei Mei: "The most important thing for this mission is to set up a barrier.

Utahime: "Barrier spells are not innate spells. Anyone with access to a certain amount of occult energy is capable of erecting a barrier with varying degrees of effort. To create a barrier, you must build the spell inside yourself using sacred words. Afterwards (...)"

Satoru: "Isn't this blabber over soon?? We are no longer in kindergarten?"

Utahime sighed. Satoru was clearly not the easiest student: he had no patience, especially for things he considered useless and easy (which was not always the case for others...)

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