Part 2 : chapter 3

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"Oh? Is that you Utahime?".

Unfortunately, at that same moment, Utahime lost consciousness.

Satoru caught her before she collapsed to the ground.

Passersby looked at the scene with curious eyes. They were wondering if this was a scene for a new kdrama (or jdrama)?

" Hey ?! Are you okay ?!"

No answer.

Utahime seemed in another world.

Her eyes were half open and half closed and she had a big, blissful smile on her face. Her cheeks were red and her breath reeked of alcohol.

Satoru quickly understood where the problem came from. But he wondered how she had managed to find him in this crowd, in Shibuya.

Despite Utahime's inaudible groans, Satoru placed her on his back.

Then he walked to a quieter place. While carrying her on his back, Utahime muttered several insults. Satoru didn't know if these complaints were directly aimed at him, but it seemed like it...?

" Idiot !! If you knew how long I waited for you??!"

"Oïi, stop gesticulating like that Utahime! You're not very light, you know?!"

" Why?!!! why did I think it was you!! (whining)"

"I don't know, but stop moving!"

Finally, Satoru found a bench near a park far from the hustle and bustle of Shibuya.

He put Utahime there like you put an old bundle, then rummaged through her belongings and clothes to find her cell phone.

" STOP !!!! THIEF !!" Utahime began to yell.

"I'm just looking for your cell phone!!!"

Despite Utahime's cries, Satoru finally managed to find her cell phone.

The few passers-by on the street gave Satoru suspicious glances. Satoru did the best he could to make them understand that this was not an attempted attack, or anything else.

Really, what situation did he find himself in because of her...? He realy had no desire to end up at the police station...!

Once Utahime's cell phone was found, Satoru quickly opened the list of the favorite contacts.

When he saw the name of Professor Masamichi Yaga, he immediately called him. Satoru prayed that the forty-year-old would quickly answer him.

" Hello ?"

"Professor Yaga !! Can you come to pick up Utahime?"

" Who is speaking ?"

" It's Gojo Satoru."

Professor Yaga frowned, he was completely confused.

Gojo Satoru, who was normally in the United States, called him in the middle of the night to ask him to pick up Utahime, who was supposed to be in the Tokyo high school dormitories.

"I don't like pranks young Gojo !! "

"But I'm not kidding at all. We are next to Harajuku station, in front of a café called, huh, Mori no Terrace (?). Utahime looks like she drank quite a bit of alcohol, so could you come pick her up?"

"I DIDN'T DRINK " a voice suddenly shouted in the background which belonged to Utahime.

"Hm,,, Ok ok... I'll be there as soon as possible, in thirty minutes? "

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