Part 1 : chapter 5

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"So you're saying that you're here to watch the office of a doctor who works across the street? All day long ? Wow....That seems very boring like activity" said a little girl named Ieiri Shoko, while casually sipping a Coca-Cola can.

Utahime sighed. She was sitting in front of a convenience store in an alley next to Doctor Takahashi's office.

She had already been sitting there for two hours.

She observed the comings and goings in the office.

She wore denim overalls with sneakers. She had pulled a black cap over her long black hair. And she was holding a large newspaper in her hands, which she didn't really read.

"Yes that's right." Utahime replied hoping that would make the little girl leave.

"But you know, you look super suspicious like that?" Shoko continued.

Utahime huffed a little desperately.

When was this little girl going to leave? Didn't she have something else to do? Utahime was clearly not in the mood to make small talks with this girl who looked like she was 10-11 years old.

It was a Saturday morning towards the end of April.

The cherry trees had started to bloom and the weather was slowly getting warmer.

Utahime had sacrificed the only days of vacation she had to watch this doctor.

When she called her parents on the home landline, her parents didn't really understand her choice. They hoped to spend some time with her; they even planned to go to the seaside together.

It had already been four months since she left home.

Saddly Utahime explained to her parent that she had to stay here because she had an important task to accomplish.

But now she found herself waiting hours in front of a convenience store with a little girl who didn't want to leave.

"Don't you have other things to do?" asked Utahime a little annoyed.

" No. I have nothing else to do. "

Utahime huffed. Really, it wasn't her day.

"Okay. Okay. Come on, you can sit next to me."

Quite naturally the little girl named Shoko comes to sit next to Utahime.

" What class are you in?"

"I'm not really going to school right now. It's a little complicated. »

" Why ? "

Utahime really didn't know how to explain her situation to this little girl. Maybe if she told her the truth, the little girl would be afraid and leave her?...

"I actually can see people's occult energy and I can also control that energy flow."

"What is occult energy?"

Of course, all of this must have seemed abstract to a non-exorcist.

"Occult energy is nothing other than the force of negative feelings (stress, sadness, anxiety, etc.) which constantly overflow from humans. Do you see the man over there? The one who unloads heavy packages from his truck? On his shoulders, there is a small monster that was born from the accumulation of his negative energy."

"Oh, okay. I see it too."

" What ??!!"

"The little green creature stuck to the man's left shoulder, right?"

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