Part 1 : chapter 2

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Utahime was terrified. Why did Gojo Satoru want to see her? Isn't it her first day here?

Could it be because of the exchange of glances earlier in the day? Or maybe, because she had somehow lacked of respect to the family?

Many questions burst into Utahime's mind in less than one minute.

"Why... ?" replied Utahime shyly.

"What a question ! It's time for his shōgi games (a traditional Japanese board game, similar to chess). Every day, a pupil is responsible for playing with the young master. It's your turn as you're new."

"Oh I see." replied Utahime who did not understand why this task had not been mentioned to her before. She was exhausted from her long journey and she really had no wish to play chess with this young boy.

The servant accompanied Utahime to the entrance of a large room whose floor was entirely covered with a tatami mat; in the center stood a small wooden table.

A board of 9 by 9 squares of uniform color with trapezoidal shaped pieces was placed there. Gojo Satoru was already installed and was patiently awaiting the arrival of his opponent of the day.

At the sight, Utahime felt a slight chill. She felt like she was being thrown into a lion's cage where the lion was this little boy with snow-white hair.

"This is Iori Utahime, young master. She will play against you tonight." stated the servant ceremoniously before disappearing behind the partition.

She was indeed trapped. She walked to her seat and sat down opposite to Gojo Satoru.

Without exchanging a single word with the young girl, Gojo Satoru put forward his first coin.

He was like an impassive automaton who had no interest in the identity of his opponent. Either way, he was going to win. And tomorrow, another opponent would show up.

About fifteen minutes passed; Utahime lost the first game. Another fifteen minutes passed again: Utahime lost the second game. And so on, until the clock in the room chimed the next hour.

"You really are the worst opponent I have encountered so far in my life." Gojo Satoru said.

Stung by this remark, Utahime did not resist the urge to respond.

"Please do not mind my mediocrity young master. I had a long and tiring day, unlike everyone else here in this room."

Surprised by Utahime's response, Gojo Satoru began to burst out laughing.

It was the first time she saw his face wearing an expression other than his inscrutable gaze.

"What a sense of retort for a servant!"

"I beg your pardon? For a servant?!" replied Utahime offended by the boy's words.

"Isn't that what you are? A servant of the Gojo family, who will owe us respect and deference all her life?" replied the young boy, planting his azure eyes in Utahime's.

Utahime was speechless. She had never felt so humiliated in her entire life.

Scandalized by the boy's mocking and disdainful tone, she stood up and without a word left the room. Who cares about the rules of politeness! Who did he think he was?

Utahime raged deep inside.

If she could, she would have slapped him right away. True, he was the heir of the Gojo clan who possessed both the Power of the Infinite and the Sixth Eye, and he was also considered as the most powerful exorcist of today's world but it did not give him all the rights!! He didn't need to be so haughty and pretentious.

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