Part 1 : chapter 8

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When Utahime returned to the Gojo mansion, it was around five p.m.

She was exhausted from her day, but she still joined the other wards.

As if nothing happened, Utahime helped the others to clean the house.

Aïko was surprised to see her friend again so soon. Utahime gave her a knowing smile.

Aïko felt relieved to see her friend return safe and sound from her mysterious adventure.

The head servant, however, kept a certain distance from Utahime, she still feared being contaminated by the young girl.

The next Sunday, after completing all her tasks in the morning, Utahime found Satoru near the abandoned tiny temple on the property.

It had become their weekly ritual to meet at this place every Sunday afternoon.

Utahime told him everything she had heard during the Aoi Matsuri Festival. She reported in detail the conversation between her uncle and this mysterious interlocutor.

"This is Naobito Zenin, the current head of the Zenin family. My uncle is certainly looking for his support to get rid of me." concluded Satoru.

Satoru and Utahime were sitting next to each other on the small steps of the shrine.

"But why he would do that ?"

"Because without the support of Naobito Zenin, my uncle could never be elected clan leader. It's a little complicated to explain, but the world of exorcists is governed by a supreme council made up of Great Sages (a bunch of old schnapps as useless as they are narrow-minded), and the three responsible for the Original Clans, the Gojo, Kamo and Zenin. The leaders of the Original Clans are the only ones who can veto the decisions of the great sages. The problem is that the old geezers aren't very fond of me because of my powers which they consider dangerous for humanity -( as if the fate of humanity really bothers them...!), but if Naobito Zenin supports my uncle in his plan, he will have no difficulty being named as the new clan leader after my death."

"What about the Kamo clan?"

"They usually side with the old geezers, so that's why my uncle doesn't really care about them."

"What are we going to do ?? If we don't do anything, you are going to be killed?" worried Utahime.

"That worries you that much?" Satoru sneered.

Satoru was actually touched by Utahime's reaction. She was the only person in this world who still have little worries about him.

"Of course it worries me! Isn't that normal?...." Utahime retorted, stung by Satoru's mocking tone.

"We have until the O bon festival, so around the end of July, to find a way to foil their plan."

"We only have about two months..."

"That's not that bad though. This gives us some time to think about a strategy."

"Do you think you can defeat them with your powers?"

"Unfortunately, against Toji Fushiguro or Naobito Zenin, I would have no chance of winning at the moment." admitted Satoru.

" What ??! But you told me you were the strongest?!"

"Yes, I am and I will be!!. But for now, my powers are still unstable. I haven't completely mastered them yet. An exorcist's powers only stabilize around the age of thirteen or fourteen. This is why my uncle and my aunt are trying to get rid of me before they can no longer.... »

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