Part 2 : chapter 1

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Days passed, then months and years.

Utahime grew up on this immense property which she now knew as well as the palm of her hand.

Aïko became her closest friend in this place, and the two young girls spent many evenings discussing about everything and nothing: their future, friendships but also love.

But Utahime never spoke to her about Satoru, or even about what happened on the evening of the Obon festival when she was thirteen.

Since the death of Satoru's uncle and his sudden departure to the United States, the house had become extremely empty.

It was like taking care of a castle abandoned by its own masters for centuries. Everything seemed like a relic of a bygone era.

Over time, Utahime knew by heart the layout of the rooms in the house. She could have easily found her way with her eyes closed.

Without the Gojos, the household tasks which usually divided the lives of the servants most of the time had also disappeared.

The wards also had more time to attend to their lessons and duties as future exorcists. No one really knew when young Gojo Satoru was going to return, and no one seemed to care.

Only Utahime seemed to want him back.

At first, she thought Satoru would come back after a few months.

The first year after he left, as soon as a strange vehicle noise sounded, she ran towards the entrance of the property to see if it was him. She had been disappointed so many times that she had stopped counting.

She had ventured into Satoru's room several times.

She had found refuge there several nights where the solitude had overwhelmed her. Although his room was completely empty, she felt peace in there.

Utahime also waited for a phone call, a letter, a sign from him, but nothing. The only times anyone called her it was either her parents or Shoko – who always called her at random times to ask her very random questions. She never thought she would miss this younger boy so much. She couldn't quite put into words what exactly she was feeling for him. She had only known him for a short time, yet his departure had deeply saddened her. It was like losing a friend without really knowing why. He had just disappeared from her life overnight without giving her any reason. She didn't even know if he was still alive. And that's why she was constantly thinking of him. Maybe something bad happen and she just did'nt know it...

Utahime compensated for this lack by devoting herself to her studies of exorcism.

While the other pupils struggled to deploy their occult energy, Utahime worked two or three times harder.

Utahime quickly became the top of her class.

She knew well that the teams at Tokyo Exorcism High School would be formed according to their entrance exam results.

Utahime wanted to be among the best, even if it was going to be difficult for a young girl from an unprestigious clan. Utahime did not have occult energy comparable to the Zenins, Kamos or Inumaki, but she wanted to find a place among them.

The night before she left the Gojos' house forever, right after her sixteenth birthday, Utahime stood in front of the entrance to the house and waited there.

She wasn't sure what she was waiting for, but she wanted to wait one last time, to hope one more time.

That night, she promised herself that if Satoru didn't come back before the night was over, she would forget him.

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