Part 2 : chapter 2

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September 2004.

"Do you remember our first mission together?" asked suddenly Kashimo.

Mei Mei, Utahime and Kashimo were all three sitting on the bleachers of the high school sports field. 

Today's training has ended a few minutes ago.

Temperatures were still hot, despite the fact that it was the end of September

" Of course, I remember." Mei Mei replied with her usual impassive tone.

" Yes !! Such a disaster... ! Professor Gakuganji scolded us for one or two months hahah!"

"Actually, it was only the fault of Kashi..." Mei Mei started to say.

Utahime immediately made strong signs to Mei Mei to ask her to stop her sentence.

" What did you say ?"

" Nothing !!" Utahime intervened.

Their first mission together in this psychiatric hospital had indeed been a real fiasco.

Without thinking Kashimo rushed forward about the first curses he had seen...

Utahime tried to hold him back but nothing could be done...

Unfortunately, among these curses, there were also civilians... It was a group of middle school students who ventured into the hospital to see any kind of paranormal activities.

With his innate technique, Kashimo released a blast of electricity that disintegrated in a few seconds all the curses, but also seriously injured the civilians there.

They came out totally electrocuted... (and shocked forever)...

Professor Gakuganji punished them for more than a month after this event.

Since this event, Utahime focused all her efforts on socializing with Kashimo and Mei Mei. It was more than necessary for the good of their team and her grades.

Utahime started to understand Mei Mei's personality; in reality, despite her cold appearance, the young girl was rather simple.

Utahime gave her the idea of ​​marketing her services as an exorcist after obtaining her diploma, an idea that greatly interested Mei Mei. Also, as the two girls were sharing the same room, Utahime quickly managed to better understand how Mei Mei was thinking and working. Utahime wouldn't dare say that they had become friends, but they could easily work together and be close.

The problem was more with Kashimo. Indeed, the boy had a rather unstable personality. All it took was one wrong word or one gesture to annoy him.

Kashimo was a very sensitive and angry boy.

When Utahime asked the 2nd year students about Kashimo, they all told Utahime that Kashimo had a very bad temper and that he never managed to work in a team.

Despite his very impressive occult abilities, because of his selfishness, all the missions he was in turned into a real fiasco.

After some long discussions, the teachers considered that Kashimo must first learn to work in a team. And that's why he was retaking his 1st's year... with Utahime of course....

" hey. Can I ask you for advice?"

Utahime wondered if she had correctly heard Kashimo. She wanted to jump for joy. Did it mean that all her efforts had paid off?!,

"Yes, yes tell us!" Utahime replied. She had difficulties hiding her excitement.

"Actually, there's a girl I like, and I'd like to invite her somewhere, but I don't know how to do it... Where do you girls like to go usually?"

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