Part 2 : Chapter 5

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February 2005 (The evening after Ryō's declaration, Utahime and Mei Mei's bedroom)

Utahime, against the door of their room, collapsed to the ground. She was out of breath.

Mei Mei: "What's wrong with you? You look like you just ran a marathon?"

Utahime: "You were... (heavy breathings) were right..."

Mei Mei: "What are you talking about?"

Utahime: "Ryō...he...he asked ... me out!!"

Mei Mei: "You are the only one surprised by this news."

Utahime: "I didn't know what to answer..."

Mei Mei: "And so...?" »

Utahime: "I just ran away!! I started running like a crazy woman to our room!!!"

Mei Mei: "Poor man."

Utahime: "What am I going to do ??!" My God... ?! He must be thinking that I'm crazy!!"

While saying this, Utahime got up and threw herself on Mei Mei's bed, hiding her face in her expensive pillow.

Mei Mei: "He will just think that you are weirdo. Get out of my bed, I'll remind you that it's my bed!"

Utahime: "Mei Mei!! Save me!! What should I do ?"

Mei Mei: "Don't know."

Utahime: "I know!!! I'm going to text him!!"

Utahime just stood up and opened her cell phone.

Mei Mei: "You should ask him for money... As if dating was free!"

Utahime (who pretended not to have heard Mei Mei): " now...I...will...think...about...your...proposal...?"

Mei Mei: "Is this a ransom note?"

Utahime: "Do you think it's weird to say that? What should I say, my god...!! I'm so panicked!!"

Mei Mei: "Why are you putting yourself in such a state...?Do you want to go out with him or not? It's not that complicated."

Utahime: "I don't know, to be honest... He is very kind, caring, and handsome? but I don't know... "

Mei Mei: "Then you can just say no. »

Utahime: "But I don't want to hurt him... He's my friend!"

Mei Mei: "(sighs)..."

Utahime: "I'll send this... with a smiley? Yes that's it ! It's done. I've sent it !!."


(Not even a minute after.)

Utahime : "Oh my god!! He already answered me!!"

Mei Mei: "And what does he say? »

Utahime: "No worries. Take your time. Good night :) "

For the next few days, Utahime slipped through the corridors of the school as discreetly as possible.

She told Kiko that she caught the flu to cancel all their daily meeting at the library. And, as soon as she saw a tall boy with black hair far away, she runs in the opposite direction.

Utahime didn't dare to admit it, but she was clearly avoiding Ryō . She really didn't know what to think of his sudden confession...Ryō and her? She had never really thought about it.

The days passed, then the weeks. Back to school was now in two days.

Mei Mei: "How much longer are you going to stay hidden in our room??"

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