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Warning: If you haven't read Back to The Past(Book1), please refer before continuing this book for context.


The teens was trying to comprehend their recent gruesome discovery when Cass, or rather, Cassandra, heard a rustle near the small field.

"Shh...guys, listen..." Cass whispered and shushed at them like flies as she put a finger to her lips. The four of them unconsciously huddled together slightly.


A rustle was heard from their left, causing them to worry in fear. "Who goes there?!" Jennifer asked loudly toward the noise. A few moments later, a familiar figure popped out fromt he bushes.

"Mrs Smith?? Guys, she's my math teacher." Evelyn said in confusion. The figure that was hiding behind the bushes turned out to be Evelyn's math teacher.

However, when Mrs Smith heard them call her by that name, she was confused and immediately replied with, "You must be mistaken, I am not married or a teacher."

Then an awkward and eerie silence filled the air with only the sound of birds chirping and the sound of their heartbeats.

"W-why are you here?" Olivia managed to ask in a stutter. By then, Mrs Smith had already came out of the bushes and closer to the group, causing them to back a few steps from her.

"I saw you guys running around the neighborhood to Mount Hill. I got a wierd feeling and started following you guys here. However, when I arrived, I saw that you guys started digging at so-"

Just as Mrs Smith continued her short explanation, she saw the four corpses on the ground with mounds of fresh dirt beside them.

'So they already found them huh...' She frowned in her mind before she quickly thought on her next course of actions. Afterall, who wouldn't want to see their future source of happiness feel depressed??

Then, she screamed loudly and ran back into the way she came from, dropping a small lighter on the ground.

Not knowing what was happening,the teens ran after the woman. It didn't take long for the place they were at before started to burn.

The lighter was open and it fell near a bush. After that? Well, it just kept spreading further and further, until  eventually the forest started burning.

It didn't take long for the teens to find out and ran even faster, causing the branches to scratch them all over.

The sound of branches breaking, fastened breathes and fires burning eventually reached their ears while they ran.

Smoke quickly filled the area and they were trying to block out the smoke but it was all in vain as they were running at full speed, trying to escape a forest fire that they might've caused.

A few seconds of running later, Olivia fell on a rock and hit her head, rendering her unconscious.

"Quick!! Let's carry her! You take the head we take the limbs." Evelyn quickly said before jogging to Olivia's left side. At first, they weren't synchronized but then, it didn't take long for them to find their steps.

However, just as they saw the forest end, Jennifer and Evelyn fainted after inhaling too much smoke, leaving Cass on her own with three unconscious people.

It didn't take long for her to start having difficulties breathing and moving her body and eventually fainting with the last thing she saw was a shadow looking at her mere metres away.


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