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The woman led the human man to her humble abode nearby, a large castle, overgrown yet entrancing, peaceful yet out of place.

On the way here, the woman started telling tales of old to the human. Perhaps it was from boredom or loneliness. After all, she hadn't gotten any visitors for quite a while already.

"So, you mean to say that this place is a realm above heaven? Then why don't I see a soul inside this garden?"

The human man asked, following the beauty and embracing his curiosity not knowing what her name was or even what she actually is.

"You did see souls. You saw countless. It's just that they look different from your perspective. Heaven has never received a living human before. Hence your current situation."

As the woman started explaining to her new company, she tried her upmost to restrain her powers of decay, fully knowing what would happen to the human if he was to be exposed to it for even a second.

Then, after she finished explaining, they arrived at the large castle. She then led him into her gigantic garden and took a seat.

The large dome-like garden was filled to the brim with beautiful plants, trees and flowers. Some even bore fruits!

Just then a fairy flew in. Her bright yellow wings constantly emitting glittery dust all over her dress. She carried a tray that held a jug of tea and two pairs of teacups.

Ignoring the fairy, the woman continued her tale as the fairy placed the teacups filled with green tea on the small coffee table.

"Heaven doesn't seem to know on what to do with you. So, they just threw you in here. My personal prison."

Just as she said this sentence the surrounding fairies squealed to themselves before flying away out of fear of their lives.

"Prison?" The man asked curiously

"Oh, I haven't told you of my true identity yet. For now, this is all I can tell you. I am a little bit tired from my day activities. The sun has risen and I'm afraid this marks the end of out short meeting."

The woman said, her gentle smile fading into a grin. She looked at the human with a grin and a stare strong and pressuring enough to make the man feel uncomfortable.

"I-I think I'll take my leave, madame. I promise to visit you once more in a few days."

The human happily expressed before bowing and running away into the halls that echoed his next words.

"My name is Michael by the way!!! Let's be friends yeah!!"

Hearing the human say these words made the beauty chuckle and grin. A thought that made her feel humorous.

"I look forward to our next meeting, dear Michael"

Her enigmatic laugh echoed across the whole castle.


The human, Michael started visiting every week mere days after he first met the mysterious woman. The fairies were used to his presence and simply let him through the gates and into the garden.

Each time, he would run away either laughing or saying something goofy after spending a day chatting and doing activities with the beauty.

One day, a bird sent a piece of parchment, a letter, to the beauty.

It's been 3 years since he first stepped foot in the Garden, The Dawn of Time, and the effects of the garden was evident on his hunched figure, wrinkled face and unstable movements.

Time moves severely different for a soul and a living being on Heaven.

The letter said of his discovery of the effects and how he was disappointed that she didn't tell him sooner. He wrote that he rather have someone tell him or hear it than finding it out himself.

The beauty found herself saddened and disappointment to herself. She was going to lose her friend because of her ignorance and supposed 'wisdom'

Was he even a friend to her? She didn't even tell him her name.

"How selfish of me to even think that I, Chaos, could ever have a human mate."

The beauty said to herself.

She hid in the garden and refused to exit. Caging herself in a smaller confined prison as she wailed and screamed, even when Michael came by.

He wanted to say sorry for saying such things on the letter personally yet the fairies didn't even let him set foot into the boundaries of the castle.

"Why?? Let me see her!! Let me say sorry!!" Michael shouted, trying to push past the draconian guards that guarded the gates of the castle.

"No! You made our master depressed. We will never let you, the cause of her suffering, into her sights ever again!"

Once they barked these words at Michael, they chased him out and broke his limbs before throwing him out into the forest.

He was sad, angry, but most of all, he felt devastated.

The forest has never been so haunting. It's silent winds made him shiver coldly while all he could do was starve on the cold hard dirt.

He looked to the skies and screamed with anguish. His heart broken and his mind coming to a realization. A terrifying realization.

"I love her."

He whined sadly, begging for someone to come by. Anyone. Even the draconian guards. To pass on the message.

Days passed and his stomach growled hungrily. For 3 days, he didn't stop a moment from his wailing and shouting. The only time he did was when he fainted out of exhaustion.

All this time, nothing dared to approach him.

On that night, he looked to a bright star. The brightest in the night, and the largest among the others.

He prayed like never before because he knew that his end is nearing him. He prayed and prayed. It was unknown to which God he prayed to for he faced every God he knew of.

But nobody answered him. No miracles, no visitors, no food, no water and no rest. For once in his life, he felt broken

"Is this what true sadness feel like? This feels like shit."

"F*ckin hate it"


The Loop (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now