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"What happened to Ollie?" Evelyn asked curiously after she saw the nurse's grim expressions.

"Well, after she hit her head, she got a concussion or something. Almost broke her medulla-something at the back of her head. She has 50/50 chance of going paralyzed and not waking up in her coma forever or waking up completely healthy." Cass managed to explain in the middle of eating her salad.

The nurse smiled wryly and sighed, "What were you four ladies doing in the middle of Mount Hill anyways? And why would you burn such a precious forest?"

She then parked the trolley in the corner and sat on one of the chairs beside the sliding door.

"Hey, aren't you tired just standing there all day? I know you have been there since yesterday. I can see the spots below your eyes!!" Camilla scolded with a angry pout.

The cop, after hearing Camilla and her seemingly compelling short speech, gave up and sighed deeply, "Cam, I can't. I'm still on duty."

When Cass and Jennifer heard the cop finally say a word, they couldn't help but cry out in confusion.

"Hey!! We tried talking to you like, what, two days now and now you talk after Camilla gives you a scolding??" Jennifer cried out

"Yeah!! Weren't we good to you too? We even tried to give you food!!" Cassandra said too.

All Evelyn could do was watch the scene unfold before her eyes. Cassandra and Jennifer crying out injustice while the cop and the nurse laughed to their antics.

And Olivia... all she could do was hope for the best. It's all up to her now to fight for her life.

Just then, a pair came into the ward with large confident strides. One of them saw that Evelyn was awake and nudged the person beside him.

"Cap'n, one of them's awake. I think this one's called Evelyn."the man said as he raised a brow at her name. 'How odd, the exact same name as the cap's kid' he thought

When Evelyn had a clear look at the other man's face, she was shocked and couldn't help but exclaim, "Dad?!"

When the man heard her words, he couldn't help but burst in anger, shouting, "Who are you calling dad?! My daughter is already dead! How dare you take her name too!! Insolent teens."

The man couldn't help himself. He could only hold himself for 2 days and it already took everything out of him. His sanity especially.

The person beside him could only help the teens hold his captain back from going mad and taking them into jail.

"Cap, why don't you take a seat. I'll talk to the teens this time."the younger person sighed. When he got his captain's approval, he shook his head, clearing his train of thoughts

Arriving at Evelyn's bedside, he gestured for the nurse to take away her empty tray of food before taking out a badge and introducing himself.

"Hey there Evelyn, my name is Jacob and I am a detective assigned on your case. I just want to ask you a few questions so that we can clarify a couple things." Jacob introduced before putting back his badge onto his belt.

Evelyn didn't hear a single thing. Her mind went blank as only one thought stayed rooted in her mind.

'Dead?! But... I'm still alive? Dad??'

The Loop (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now