The Ravager and It's Master [I]

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A few moments passed and Cassandra sat on the ground, heavily panting. The pile of broken wooden swords lay in the corner along with a dummy made of hay broken into pieces.

'Is there no other way to return to Homeworld?' Cass asked herself, the nerve wrecking question breaking her mind.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. A large shadow loomed over through the doors.

*knock knock*

"The Master requests your presence for breakfast, Ravager."

The man outside said the last word with a slither of killing intent, thinking Cass wouldn't be able to feel it since he wasn't actually near to her.

But Cass still noticed.

"Why are you still mad that I killed them? It was to accident okay??" She sighed quietly bafore she answered blankly with a normal tone, "Alright."


"Father. It's me." Cass said, knocking on the wooden doors leading to the hall. She was directed here as per orders. Her mind was in a state of shambles from all the thinking she made back at her training room.

A few seconds later, a older man's voice sounded. It's tone firm and stern.

"Come in."

Cass nodded and stepped back before sliding the doors open. She was hit in a wave of nostalgia when she smelled the heavy stench of wood and fried chicken.

In the large room, there was a long table in the middle filled to the brim with food. At the very front, an old man sat, his bowl of rice untouched.

The servants beside the doors bowed deeply when they saw Cass enter the hall.

""Ravager."" The two of them bowed. In a way, this showed their respect for her.

"Dear, why didn't you take a bath before coming here?" The man asked. His eyes darted at her wet clothes, sweaty neck and smell.

Cass stopped at her tracks, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief before she quickly recovered and bowed to the man.

"Forgive me, Father. Allow me to take my leave to finish my businesses," Cass bowed. When the man nodded and hummed approvingly, Cass walked backwards and exited the hall.

She stood at the corridor, shocked to her core. Her legs threatened to give in as she held onto the pillar for assistance.

'How can he can speak? Didnt he lose his voice from the war?'

Tsk! Wretched Demon. How dare he touch my father!? I forgive it for sending me back here since these are just my memories-'

In between grunts and her thoughts, she suddenly thought of a possibility. A very slim possibility. She thought of this, if she was currently in her memories, then doesn't doesn't mean she could technically go to another memory?

'I need to test this.' Cass thought. She looked around and remembered that she was to do a change of clothes and a bath.

A few moments later, Cass wore a light red kimono. She held her sword while multiple daggers and hidden weapons were hid under her sleeves, knees and thighs.

She was a walking weaponry. She sighed and tied her hair loosely with a white string. Standing up, her black hair flowed to the wind.

Going out of her room and looking at the bright blue sunny sky, she sighed again and relaxed herself as she walked in the open air hallways back to the hall.

This time, when she entered, there were 4 other people seated in the room other than her father.

She walked with elegance and a frosty grace as she tread through the servants and the four people that bowed respectfully. She reached her father and bowed before sitting on the cushions.

"Let us feast."

With these few words, her father picked up his chopsticks and started eating. The meal was filled with an uncomfortable silence as the four figures ate without a sound or expression.

'I forgot how strict we were back then' Cass thought with a sad heart as she too mimicked her siblings and ate in silence and blandness.

When they finished eating lunch, the servants entered the room and cleaned up the table before leaving a parchment in her father's hands.

When they left, her father immediately opened the parchment. And just then, a hint of emotion surfaced. A frown found itself on her father's forehead.

Though shocked, she could guess what was on the parchment since this was a memory of hers. Though she still doesn't know why her father could speak.

Speaking of, her father put down the parchment and faced his children with a grave expression. She could see veins emerging and threatening to burst from the pressure he was using to hold the parchment.

"The Eldest Princess of the First Concubine, Shinaku, has summoned my children to the royal palace in the inner city. I am to send all 6 of my children along with my concubines and my children's future partners to them.

Go prepare. Cancel all plans. You'll be there for 2 months. Once the Event of the Reaunation passed, the Eldest First Princess will choose a Warrior to serve as a Holy Protector in the royal family."

When her father finished his words, the 5 siblings looked at each other with confusion and shock.

"Father, if I may ask, " one of the siblings that sat across Cassandra looked at the towering figure.

"Go ahead, ask, and you may receive," Cass's father asked and nodded

"We have a sixth sibling? And why did they choose our family?"

"You do, in fact, have a sixth sibling. He is your Eldest Sister's twin. He's currently in the Northern Courtyard. Head there and break the news to him. I doubt he would have any plans for the next few months.

As for the second question however, it's a long story. As for now, go, get prepared for the months to come."


The 5 siblings stood at the same time and bowed in respect to the figure before walking backwards and exiting the dining room, all at a loss of words.


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