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After they had breakfast, they were waiting for the two detectives to come again but they never did. The teens spent their time discussing what they should do.

Lunch was about to end when Olivia's monitor started to beep unusually faster.

*Beep, beep, beep, beep*

The nurse heard this and immediately went to investigate when she suddenly smiled happily as she announced to the three curious teens.

"Seems like your friend is about to wake up!!" Camilla said happily before rushing out only to return with a doctor mere seconds later.

The doctor raised the bed so that Olivia could sit inclined and so that it was easier for him to check her vitals.

Soon enough, he nodded happily and smiled at the nurse before whispering something into her ears.

When they left, they took the empty trays of food and left the trolley there. It was probably for because of the container of medicine on the middle.

"Huh? Where am I? Wait... guys? You guys!! I had the weirdest dream!! We were at Mount Hill and found the bodies of our kid-versions dead.

Then we saw Evelyn's math teacher and she saw the bodies. Then, she dashed and ran way but we gave chase to her....

Somehow the forest...started...to burn..." the longer Olivia told the story, the more her face grimmed as she looked at her friends' expressions.

She started to realize that what she thought was a dream... was not. It was real. She really found the corpse of her kid-self. The forest really was burning.

She then realized where she was. A hospital...no. Her parents' clinic. The town clinic. This was the room that her parents never let her in whenever it was occupied.

This was the room where the police put injured crime offenders in...

And now, this is the room where she and her friends were cuffed and locked in. She looked around herself, her head shaking in denial, trying to deny the facts when it was right in front of her eyes.

Just then, the nurse's voice could be heard right outside the door. It was soon unlocked and the Detective Jacob entered with Camilla.

"I'm so glad that she managed to wake up. It's the earliest someone woke up from a semi-coma too!!" Camilla said, entering the ward.

"Sis??" Olivia managed a word as she stared at Camilla with a shocked expression. Basically with her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as it can be.

When Camilla heard Olivia say that, she felt a little sad and wistful but shook her head.

'No, this body was already dead by the time I took her. This girl should brace herself if she's going to be on my party.' Camilla thought on her mind as she shook her head slightly with a small smile.

The others saw her actions but disregarded it as her remembering that her little sis is no longer alive.

By then, the two of them were already beside Olivia who was confused when she saw her older sister shake her head with a sad expression.

She looked to her friends only to see their faces shocked. Right, she never told them she had a older sister.

Jacob then introduced himself and asked Olivia with a couple questions to which she answered with only a nod or a shake and a occasional hmm.

Seeing how she was answering his questions, he knew she wasn't in the right shape to answer so he sighed and stood up.

Placing the stool back to where it was supposed to be, he put his notepad into his back pocket along with his pen before saying, "Since you just woke up from your rest, I'll leave you to think about the questions. I'll come back tomorrow and we can talk then okay?"

"Hmm..." Olivia answered with a nod.

The Loop (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now