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A day, 24 hours, was all it took for Michael, to overturn Heaven and Hell. Bending it according to his will with his newfound power.

The power of Chaos.

It was now in his hands. Unlimited potential, unlimited power. The only thing holding him back was the fact that if he was to use the full scale of these powers of Chaos, his body will not be able to withold it.

Think of Michael as a empty glass. Fill a quarter of it with some pebbles, sand and dirt, acting as his feelings and daily needs. But it's not full. Not yet.

Then there's the power of Chaos. The fine aged wine. Everytime he taps into the pool of 'wine' he was essentially trying to fill his cup from a large barrel with a spoon.

It was close to impossible.

However, there is a way for him to expand his storage.

If he continues to refine his body and strengthen it, his body will be able to withhold more amounts of bursts of Chaos.

Then, his glass cup will get larger and larger.

Now, he sat on his throne. Faced with a foe he never thought he would meet. She stood before him proudly and arrogantly, her mere presence oozing with attraction and power.

He sat there, injured and all. He had fought with this foe for an unknown amount of time. His limbs felt like they were about to fall off.

In his mind, he laughed at himself.

'Hold the full power of Chaos?? Find the beauty?? Fight for her?? Who am I to think of such blasphemy. Hah!! How naive I was. To think that I was the strongest.'

He continued to joke at his current predicament but his face showed a tired and blank expression.

The woman, his foe, a Goddess, raised her sword in her stance as blood dripped from her chin to her dirt stained boots.

She narrowed her eyes at him and hummed thoughtfully as if she was humored by a thought.

"Demon. Do you wish to be redeemed?"

She asked Micheal with a small smile. Her eyes glistened darkly as her aura expanded. He grit his teeth and faced the woman on his throne, unyielding and unwavering.

"Redeemed?" Michael asked, curious.

The woman lowered her sword and conjured a blood red throne as tall if not taller than Michael's before taking a seat.

"Why yes. The reason you came here is because of the thief that stole your Tome of Space and Time right? I know where he is and I'll even help you to retrieve it."

The woman giggled as if there isn't countless wounds on her body. Though it wasn't bleeding out, some blood still found its way onto her clothes, making her seem menacing.

"At what price?" Maichael asked another question. This time, he was genuinely curious. Even he wasn't able to track the thief and he was one of the strongest 'people' the universe and seven realms have witnessed.

But there was one person that was capable of defeating him. That person gave him a newfound thrill. A thrill he hasn't found since he received the powers of Chaos.

The thrill of Death. The feeling of death looming so close you could smell it lingering close in the air.

"Come under my rule. Not as a slave. Not as a servant. But as who you are now. A friend and comrade. I'm putting together a group of warriors for a little quest of mine.

I'm sure you don't mind helping a fellow Immortal?"

The woman explained as she stood and floated off the air. She approached Michael slowly but surely. Each step echoed fear and destruction that drilled deep into Michael.

Not wanting to show weakness, Michael also stood from his throne and walked closer to the woman.

Soon, the two was face to face. Neither showed a sign of resignation but a show of respect.

"How long would I take you to retrieve my Tome?"

"A year at most."

"Then a year you'll have to convince me that it is not worth launching my armies on Wasdar and Earth. Deal?"

"Deal. Would you like a contract?"

"If possible, yes."

After the two figures finished their business, a portal appeared beside her right as the woman snapped her fingers.

"A Summoning Mantra? No, this is a Revival Pentagram. Michael, dearie, do you think this is for you or me?"

The woman inspected and asked Michael whom stood beside her, also inspecting the red and black portal engraved with lines and pentagrams.

"Judging the color and the aura, I'm guessing that this is from Earth. Give me a moment. Allow me to-" just as Michael was about to call upon his subordinate, the woman beside him spoke up.

"No need. One of my comrades have reason to believe that the Tome is being used by the thief on Earth. It seems that he couldn't handle and control the power of Space and Time. And he's done something quite annoying to get rid of.

He has created a time loop on Earth."

Both of the Immortals grimaced and frowned. A few moments later, the portal started to fade and shrink in size.

Michael made his mind and walked towards the portal, reaching out his hand and said, "I'm heading in. And I'll do whatever it takes to get my Tome back. Whatever it takes," before disappearing into the portal.

The woman sighed and smiled.

"So this was how I saved you huh? Two people in a day. How lucky!"

The woman laughed before she, too stepped into the portal. Just as the portal was about to shrink into nothingness, a shadow quickly rushed into the portal.

Just as the their foot soles disappeared, the portal warped and wreathed before imploding, wrecking the Realm and making worlds quake by sheer strength.


Meanwhile, somewhere not far away from where the two immortals were fighting. A group of 4 sat in a circle. One of them, a woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes faced the direction her friend rushed at moments ago.

'So you've went there? Oh the nostalgia. I should've joined when I had the chance' the woman smiled wryly before tightly gripping her swords hilt.


The Loop (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now