A Dream

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"Gah!!" Evelyn shouted as she woke up from her bed with a massive headache and a shirt filled with...sweat?

'What was that? Was that all just a dream?' Evelyn asked herself, countless questions haunting her mind.

Just as she was about to get off the bed, her phone suddenly rang.

[Jennifer Kardashian😏]

She picked up the phone and heard the familiar voice of Jenn through the phone. Evelyn stood up and went to the bathroom while she left the call on loudspeaker. 

"Hey babygirl, you free? Wanna go eat out later?"asked Jennifer with a weirdly happy tone.

'Calm down. It's just a dream. It's not real. You're real. The cult is not real. Javier is dead. You're alive. You're sane. It's all just a long, long, long, nightmare..'

Evelyn thought to herself as she splashed the tap water on her face and looking at herself through the mirror with these thoughts on her mind.

"Hello? Gurl you there?? Wierd, my internet is still good though?" Jenn's voice echoed in the small toilet as Evelyn's breath fogged up the glass.

"Hmm? Wait. I'm...washing my face." Evelyn quickly came up with a random reason after she realized she left Jenn on hold.

"Oh, then you can just listen then. You know, this morning, I was taking a jog when I saw this guy. Bro he was so damn handsome..."


"There you are, I have been waiting for hours!!" Evelyn groaned dramatically after she saw the person she's been waiting for an hour approaching her with a pair of car keys in hand.

"Damn gurl, it's only been 5 minutes. There was a traffic jam okay? I can't just poof my way to the other side of town." Jenn answered with a pout.

"Fine. Whatever. You're paying for dessert cause I ain't." Evelyn sighed.

As they entered the restaurant, a strong aroma of latte and flowers struck them which was odd since this restaurant doesn't serve coffee based beverages.

Besides that, the cafe was also surprisingly mostly empty even though it was famous for it's lunch menu, the infamous fish and chips, burger with chips, along with a side dish for free if you were early enough.

"That's wierd, why is there a smell of latte and...roses?" Jennifer wondered, taking a seat in front of Evelyn in a two seater at the side.

"Don't know. Don't care. Waiter!"

Evelyn answered, thoughts circling her head as she called the waiter over. After that 'nightmare' all she wanted to do was distract herself.

"Hmm, I think I'll take the set promo if that's fine?" Evelyn said to the waiter whom excitedly jotted down her orders.

"Sure! How many sets?"the waiter happily answered

During the lunch, they talked and started catching up. Since it was Saturday, the day when the ice cream shop had a buy 1 free 1 discount, the two of them decided to take a visit there for desert.


The bell rang as the door opened. They've already discussed and decided what to buy so Jennifer offered to cue up while Evelyn looked for a seat.

Soon, Jenn came to the windowsil bar stools, the place where there's a view of the street and the tall hills.

"I don't get why you want a Banana Peeled Ice Cream Sundae. Like, no one eats that mountain of abomination right?" Evelyn asked warily with a raised eyebrow as she pointed at the large bowl of ice cream with multiple flavors, about a dozen rainbow sprinkles and a single peeled banana as the cherry on top.

"Uhh, I eat it? Besides, my discount kinda sorta maybe expired and I'm broke so we are gonna share the Sundae." Jenn replied sheepishly retreating to her seat after placing a straw and a spoon at Evelyn's side.

When she heard this, Evelyn sighed before picking up the spoon.

"This isn't gonna taste wierd right?"

"Nope! Just trust me and eat it!" Jennifer assured with a large smile, staring at the spoon in Evelyn's hand and the large Sundae.

Dismissing her wierd stare, Evelyn proceeded to eat the ice cream, intentionally avoiding the large banana. Seeing this, Jenn pouted and sighed.

Soon, they finished the large Sundae and walked out of the store.

"Hey, can I grab a lift? I can't seem to reach my aunt to pick me up" Evelyn asked, looking at the bright orange sky filled with clouds.

"Hmm, sure. Why not."


Evelyn looked out the window from the Dark Green Mini-Jeep, trying to enjoy the sunset as they passed by the cliffside leading back to her home.

"Hey, look, what's that?" Jenn called, slowing down.

Glancing back to the road, Evelyn saw an unexpected figure. He stood there, slouched over with a large gash on his waist area.

His clothes were dirty and bloodied. His face had fresh blood running down, dripping from his messy hair. His left leg twisted and his right arm was fully gone, as if it was ripped out.

"Stop!!" Evelyn shouted as she gripped and pulled Jenn's arm, causing the Jeep to spin, crashing into the rocky cliff wall.

The Jeep was now upside down, the smoke from the engine made Jennifer cough, waking her up.

Looking around, she squinted her eyes and saw the previous figure slowly limping towards them so she tried to unlocked her seat belt.

"Evelyn!!" Jenn whispered sharply, shaking the seat belt around herself. Reaching to the side, she felt the rectangle shape and pressed the eject button, making the seat belt to unlock and dropping Jenn to the ground filled with glass shards.

The fire burned and the smoke filled her vision. Touching her forehead, she could feel a liquid flowing down. Wincing in pain, she remembered that Evelyn was beside her so she twisted herself and started to violently shake Evelyn.

"Bitch wake the f*ck up" Jenn grunted

Just then, only then, did Evelyn wake from her blackout. The sounds rang loudly in her ear like an alarm.

"He's coming! We have to run!" Jenn said frantically before kicking the door as hard as she could.

Once the door was pried open, Jenn assisted Evelyn to exit together. As they limped on the side of the road, the figure was almost closing the small gap when they heard a loud noise of a van honking.

As if it was scared of the two headlights from the van, he winced and raised his hand to cover his eyes while the back door opened.

"Get in!"a familiar voice shouted.

"Go!!Go!!Go!! It's my aunt!!" Evelyn shouted, pushing Jenn into the van.

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