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All of a sudden, on that morning, he felt a surge of energy not far away from him. He looked to his left and saw the castle of the beauty basking elegantly in the might of the sunrise.

Then, he heard a large explosion. The sound ruptured his ears and threw a wave of dust and debris over into his orifices.


He wasn't fazed by that, rather, he was more worried on one thing. He caught a glimpse of the castle before he turned the other way to shield himself from the wave of debris.

When he felt the wave go over, he opened his eyes and felt true despair.

The castle, once elegant and perfect, is now overturned and overrun from masses of dark matter. From the ashes, a singular figure floated.

However, that figure was floating in a sleeping position. It's back curved upwards as if someone or something was dragging it upwards to the skies by a rope on its waist.

When it stopped, the dark matters looked towards the figure and lunged themselves at it, devouring every part and savoring it.

"No...NO NO NO!!" Michael shouted in anguish and despair when he finally came to a realization on who that figure was.

The beauty had left the realm before he could. Before he could say his farewells, before he could say and scream his apologies, before he could make his confession.

Before he could know her name.

She has already passed.

He wanted to give chase and save her, to end those dark matters. To say and express his sadness but all he could do was lie there watching the figure get torn and eaten by the dark matters.

The sadness overwhelmed himself that he couldn't think clearly.

In fact, he could think at all. He realized he loved a woman whom he doesn't even know of her name and he only did realize it after it was too late.

He wailed loudly, shouted in pain until his throat got severely damaged. His rugged voice whimpered, damaged and out of breath. He couldn't breathe.

Rain came and washed away the leftover dust in the air and extinguished the fires in the castle.

He saw shadows writhe at the corners of his visions, causing him to think that maybe someone has arrived. Or the dark matter heard his wails and was here to devour him.

Just like they did on the beauty.

But nobody was there.

His pools of immeasurable tears flooded his eyes. Snot went down his cheeks while his ears felt the coldness of his tears.

Once again, he was warned of his close end when the shadows expanded. And he got the message loud and clear.

He knew his end was nearing. Either he would die of starvation, or from loss of blood, or from the Dark matters consuming him.

And all he could do was wait for his death.

Rhe shadows continued to expand and he heard sounds and whispers around him. His view started distorting.

Before he closed his eyes, he saw the sun setting over the horizon, making the sky glow a purple golden light as the dark matters moved towards him.

He wanted to end it all, to feel the sweet release of death. To feel peace once more. To meet the beauty even for one last time.

But how could he think this? He didn't even know her name. He didn't even think that living beings could still 'die' above Heaven.

Just then, just as he was about to turn into a soul, he felt a strong surge of power crashing itself onto his body, breaking it and refining it in the process.

"Oh, why? Why must you leave me in this state, dear."

Was what he wanted to say. But no words came from his mouth. Nothing but a whimper and a sigh.

The new power enveloped him in a caccoon of dark mass. Lifting him off the ground in a similar way the beauty was 'pulled'.

The pain started leveling it's intensity until he felt like his skin was burning and peeling itself.

But what can he do?

Stay and float there, let the mysterious ooze transform his body. That was all he could do.

He wanted to scream but he couldn't control his eyes, much less move his mouth.

Two months.

He was there floating for two whole complete months.

He remembered solely because of the countless sunrises and sunsets that passed reminded him of the passing of the beauty.

The black ooze, as if satisfied with its work, retracted itself, dropping Michael to the cold hard dirt. Shocking him from the impact he felt on his limbs.

For once, he could sense his limbs. When he looked to his left hand, he tried to form a grip and to his surprise, his hand gripped.

He could feel his feet. His toes. His fingers.

'The dark matter!!' Michael thought, looked above him only for the large black ooze to drop onto his face. He could feel it trying to move.

As the ooze blocked out his senses and held his breath, he heard a woman whisper, "I'm so love"

Then, he felt a hand graze his cheek but then the ooze detached itself from his body, ending the connection he felt with the beauty.

On that day, he stood up, a completely new man. With a strong and refined body, a new singular goal overpowered his head.

He was going to meet the beauty. And he is going to do whatever it takes. Anything.

Unbeknownst to him, a woman, with a dark red hair and blood red eyes observed Michael. If he was to look toward where the castle was, he would feel the pressure she was emitting.

The large wolf bowed behind the woman before the the two of them disappeared.

On that day, a new archangel was born. He ascended and 'fell' as soon as he learned that none of the Holy Angels even knew of the prison.

It only took him a day, with his newfound power over the black ooze, to overturn Heaven and Hell.


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