The Story That No One Believes

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"What did you guys tell the detective?" Evelyn asked after the nurse left the ward with four empty trays after their dinner.

The guard had changed shifts after lunch. This time, he was much more comfortable with the situation and simply sat beside the sliding door; the same seat where Camilla would sit when she was waiting for the teens to finish their food.

"We said the same thing you did. You were having wierd sleep talking about a coordinates so we went there after school together. Which turned out to be Mount Hill.

After an hour long hike, we found a empty spot with a branch sticking out in the middle. Cass deducted that the dirt seemed weirdly fresh so we decided to dig with some shovels we found nearby.

Then you saw your face. Only, it was younger so we dug the sides to try and get a clearer look but found our younger selves too.

I still get the creeps when I think about it.

Anyways, we were panicking on what to do when Cassandra heard a sound from a nearby bush which then turned out to be Mrs Smith.

She starts saying wierd things when she suddenly stopped. She was close enough to see what we were doing. Since we are here right now, I'm betting that she didn't take a closer look at them.

She ran and we followed, not realizing that the spot where Mrs Smith was at went up in flames. The fire grew larger and smoke filled our lungs.

We tried to run faster but then Olivia fell and hit her head, making her unconscious. We were running while carrying her when we started to faint one by one.

Then we woke up here. The end." Jennifer explained briefly, telling the story like it was the gossip of the lifetime.

Evelyn's expression worsened every minute Jennifer took to explain. Until her face scrunched up like there was a sudden pop quiz on quantum physics.

Cassandra saw this and couldn't help but laugh, her expression was too hilarious. Honestly, if it was for me, I think I would've killed myself by now.

"So, you two told them the exact same thing?"


"And the detectives heard it absolutely clearly?"


"Then why the f*ck are we cuffed and interrogated here?" Evelyn said, frustrated.

"And apparently we are dead too!! Thinking about it now, I think we might be in the past or in another multiverse or something." Jennifer explained briefly

"Come on, think about it. Who in the whole wide world would believe that story. Besides, how can we explain what we saw?" Cassandra said before continuing to snicker madly.

Her laughs were getting into their heads already. Jennifer got so annoyed she shouted, "Cass, shut up already!!"before she too started to laugh.

Turns out laughs were contagious after all. Oddly, this created a warm atmosphere for the three of them.

(I think they forgot about the security guard lol)

After receiving clarity at the current situation, Evelyn started to think. What was happening? She remembered that her dad was a detective before an accident happened to him which made him unable to continue.

This fact meant that they were in the past. But how? What was their bodies doing there? She doesn't remember meeting her current set of friends when she was in lower grade.

Who knows the answer to her seemingly endless questions? Who knows, maybe it's someone they would never expect.

And so, one by one, the teens went to sleep and ended the day with these questions plaguing their minds.


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