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After the small interrogation between Jacob and Evelyn that lasted almost an hour ended, the cop continued questioning Jennifer and Cassandra.

By the time he finished, it was already 11. Camilla and Evelyn's dad had already left an hour and a half ago, leaving the guard and Jacob in the ward with the four patients.

The reason it took so long was because Evelyn kept forgetting what she was trying to say, as if distracted by something on her mind.

"I'll leave you guys alone now, have a nice day." Jacob said respectfully before leaving after a small wave. The security guard gave a slight salute to him before closing the door on his behalf.

Evelyn looked dazed and distracted, staring into the air. Her expression would change ever so slightly every few minutes as if discovering something bad.

"If not for our wounded state, we would already be rotting in the lockup at the police station." Cassandra sighed, breaking the awkward silence as she put down the magazine she was reading.

"Yeah but why were we f*cking there in the first place? It's all because of you!" Jennifer angrily vented. She pointed at Evelyn with a deep frown on her face.

It was then Evelyn woke from her daze in a disappointed and regretful expression. Her mouth opened but no words came.

She felt unbearable guilt and fear for bringing her friends into this situation. She was the reason they're being held by the cops, she's the reason they got hurt and she's the reason Olivia went into a semi-coma.


"I what huh?? Geez. Not even a sorry or a single word? Hell, I would even this settle if not for there stupid f*cking cuffs holding me to this bed." Jennifer angrily shouted.

The security guard shook his head and stepped outside so that they could settle their debts. He was not about to stand in a room with three girls fighting and screaming in anger and frustration.

The awkwardness is already enough for him to feel uncomfortable. Especially Cassandra who keeps staring at him. He managed to keep a straight face but he felt as if she was a monster staring deep into his soul.

"Sigh, thank goodness I don't have children." the guard sighed greatfully outside.


"Jen, I think that's enough. You're disturbing Olivia. Besides, it was our decision to come with Evelyn. We can't blame her for our decitions." Cassandra said, trying to calm Jennifer down.

Evelyn still couldn't say anything. Soon, her eyes blurred and she started crying loudly.

"I... I'm sorry for dragging you guys into this. Hic.. I really didn't know this would happen to us... Hic" Evelyn said in between hiccups from her cries.

Her words after that sentence were unrecognizable as she mumbled between each hiccups. Though the two of them couldn't hear her words after that, deep in their heart, they both felt a pang of guilt and sadness, especially Jennifer.

"Wait no...don't cry. Im sorry for what I said earlier. I was just frustrated. I'm so sorry for venting at you. Don't cry anymore." Jennifer said, trying to console Evelyn with a sad frown.


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