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She patted the wooden floorboard and sat down with sigh. All of a sudden, she felt a familiar stare aiming at her. She felt the cold sharp tip of dagger touch her neck and someone holding her in a chokehold position.

Out of reflex, she gripped that person's dominant hand, the hand that was holding the dagger, and pulled forward.

Just as their body hit the ground, Cass grabbed the dagger and sat atop that person with her foot stepping down on the dominant hand.

She aimed the dagger at the neck of the person that tried to attack her. She saw their face but she couldn'tmake out the complete look.

The sunset sky did little to help with her problem. She never told anyone this before but...she was short sighted and semi blind at night

"Who are you! Why did you try to attack me!" Cass asked as she stepped down on their palm

"Ah!"the culprit hissed painfully with a high pitched tone.

Cass was surprised at the womanly tone and immediately unhanded her as she realized the identity of her attacker.

Cass stood at the side, shocked and terrified.

'Sh*t. Did I just wrestle who I think I just did?' Cass cursed as she looked around the garden for an exit while the woman on the ground groaned and attempted to stand.

Meanwhile, Cass's forgotten where the exits were and when she was about to head at a random direction to escape, she tripped on a rock and fell with a thud.

She was about to raise herself up again when a fist hit the back of her neck, knocking Cass out cold.


"I could've handled her myself you know?" The woman pouted as she walked towards the unconscious Cass on the ground.

A man clad in black knelt down and bowed deeply, saying, "My deepest apologies, your Highness."

The woman frowned but said nothing for a few seconds. Then she looked at Cass and sighed.

"Here is your punishment. Carry her to my room. I want you at my doorstep as early as sunrise tomorrow. Understood?" The woman ordered before patting her clothes and hopping onto the roofs, closely followed by the man.

"Yes, your highness."


"Guys, run!" Cass heard herself shout towards her friends. They were back at the school's hallways. But something was wrong... there were blood stained on her hands

Just as she manages to make out the boy's face that was chasing them, she heard someone shout, "Javier, stop this madness!"

Then, she blinked and found herself at the school field with a missing arm. Evelyn stood in between her and the boy she called, Javier.

'Javier? But how... How can he look so young?' Cass thought, confused.

All of a sudden, she found herself back at the grounds of the High Realm. The place where she was currently at.

A woman hugged her tightly as the Imperial Palace burned in the background. Cass felt tears rolling down her eyes as she felt the woman stab her in the abdomen.

The last thing she heard was the woman murmuring, "I'm so sorry" before everything went dark

Cass frowned as she tried to piece together what she just witnessed. Currently, she was floating in an empty space. Devoid of sound and light.

'I was at the High Realm. The Imperial Palace. Then I snuck away into the garden thingy space. Then I fought her... then I got knocked out? So I'm dreaming?

But what kind of dream was that? I went from running in the school hallways to missing an arm to getting murdered while the Imperial Palace burned.

What the f*ck?'

Cassandra's thoughts were in shambles as she tried to make sense of her current situation. Until she felt a pair of soft hands hold her arm and the smooth sheets of a bed below her which jolted her awake.

She wanted to open her eyes but then felt a blindfold tightly wrapped around her head which suggests that she shouldn't take it off.

The pair of hands gently dropped her on a soft bed and started to untie the blindfold, unaware that Cass was awake.

Cass pretended to be asleep and closed her eyes even when the blindfold was taken off. She heard rustles of fabric beside her which turned out to be the person covering her with some sheets.

"Goodnight, Shin." A gentle voice whispered close to Cass as two fingers put aside two strands of hair from Cass's face.

A few seconds later, after Cass heard the candlelight switches turned off and the door shut, Cass woke up from her sleep and sat up.

She found herself in a simple yet grand room. There was a closet, a desk, a small chandelier, a balcony with beautiful white curtains and the large bed she was on.

Cass raised her hand to touch the jaw of her face as she blushed from the cold air coming from the balcony. She couldn't help but wonder who had said those sweet words of goodbye and placed her in the room.

'Hmm... Should I just sleep here of sneak out??' Cass asked herself, looking out the open balcony.

Just then, the doors clicked and creaked open. Cass hurriedly got back into bed and pretended to be asleep. She felt someone crawl into the empty space beside her and sigh thoughtfully before cuddling in the sheets, as if unaware of Cass right beside them.

Cass's cheeks couldn't help but turn soft pink. This wasn't her first time sleeping beside someone that isn't her family but she still couldn't help but blush. She's just a teen after all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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