Chapter 6: The Banished Prince

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The name pounded through my head, incessant, unyielding. Zuko, Zuko...

Murmurs swept through the gathered crowd.

I remembered now, where I'd seen that scar. I'd seen it in history books, on portraits of the great Fire Lord Zuko, who'd ruled the Fire Nation after his father, Ozai. He'd helped Avatar Aang restore balance to the nations, and ushered in a new era of prosperity for his country.

No wonder I didn't recognize him— I could hardly wrap my mind around the fact that this boy, this incredibly powerful, handsome teenage boy who'd come starving to a little Earth Kingdom village was Fire Lord Zuko.

"Liar!" the old man shouted, breaking me out of my shocked daze. "I've heard of you! You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him!"

The story came back to me. The details were a bit vague, but they all agreed that Zuko had somehow ended up in an Agni Kai with his own father, in which the Fire Lord had given the prince the scar for which he was so famous. He'd then banished him, and during the prince's banishment, Zuko had searched nonstop for the Avatar to join him on his quest to overthrow the Fire Lord and restore balance to the world.

And I had just happened to meet him in the middle of that quest. I was literally watching history happen right in front of me. Spirits, this was awesome.

Sparky—no, Zuko—said nothing, but approached Gow, who cowered back fearfully. Zuko kneeled, pulling the knife he had given to Lee from the man's belt.

With Gow taken care of, Sela rushed to untie her son from the post. She finished just as Zuko approached, the ropes dropping to the ground. However, instead of thanking him for saving her son, she instead shielded him with her body, as though Zuko might attack him.

I frowned. What was she doing?

"Not a step closer," Sela warned, eyeing Zuko with mistrust.

Zuko knelt, offering the knife to Lee. "It's yours," he said softly, "you should have it."

Lee scowled. "No! I hate you!"

I gaped as Sela led Lee away, leaving Zuko alone, still kneeling in the middle of the road.

"You're not welcome here, firebender," a man spat, stepping forward. Zuko stood silently as the crowd shuffled closer, forcing him back. He scowled, mounting his ostrich horse as the crowd formed two rows, giving him full access to the exit. The message was clear: leave.

Even Sela and Lee joined the line. I stayed rooted to my spot, watching in utter disbelief as the village Zuko had just saved, even the child he had rescued, rejected him.

Zuko rode away, his silhouette disappearing into the sunset.

"How could you do this?" I stormed up to Sela.

She gave me a weary look. "He's a firebender, Kiyan. What's more, he's the Fire Lord's son."

"So what?" I practically yelled.

"So, he's our enemy! He's everything that we're fighting against! Did you see his face? He could've killed Gow without a second thought! That man is dangerous."

I clenched my fists. "You're right. Zuko is dangerous. He could've killed Gow, but he didn't! Doesn't that tell you anything? He saved your son, and this is how you repay him?!" I shook my head incredulously. "This isn't right. I'm going after him."

"Kiyan, no!" Sela grabbed my arm, "he's dangerous! You're safe here, with us. Stay here."

I shook her off. "No. I'm done ignoring my duty. I'm not going to sit back and become one of you. I'm not going to turn my back on those in need. Maybe this isn't my world, but that doesn't mean I can't still help it!" I stepped back, raising my voice. "A year from now, I want you to remember this day. I want you to look at where the world is, and remember what you did right here and now. Remember Zuko. Remember how you rejected him, and scorned him. Remember the banished prince, and see the king he'll become!"

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