Chapter 16: Cascade

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"You'll be okay from here?" Tao asked. Since I didn't really know my way around the city, he'd agreed to guide me to where I needed to go.

I nodded wordlessly. I hadn't spoken since Xiulan and Jin had been arrested.

"Well, if you ever need help, you know where to find me," Tao said.

I nodded.

"Good luck," he gave me a last smile, eerie in the light of the green lanterns, before disappearing into the night.

I stared up at the large sign over the door, welcoming me in. I didn't feel welcome.

Maybe they won't be on duty, I thought, staring at the wooden door. It was night, after all. Maybe they were asleep. No more delays, I ordered myself, pushing open the door. It slid neatly aside, and I stepped in.

The shop was small and dimly lit, but I spotted Zuko right away. He served a customer with his back to me. I swear my heart rate kicked up a few notches, but I tore my gaze away and slid into a seat at an empty table facing the door. I wasn't sure I could handle facing him just yet.

Just breathe. What if he hated me? I had said some pretty nasty things. What if I'd pushed him away forever?

A tea tray slammed down next to me and I jumped. A hand placed a cup down in front of me before lifting the tray and moving on. Its every move somehow conveyed irritation. I glanced back and sure enough, it was Zuko walking away. He hadn't even recognized me. Unless he had, and was purposefully ignoring me.

"This is the best tea in the city!" a customer praised as I stared at my empty cup.

"The secret ingredient is love," said a familiar voice. Iroh! I turned in my seat and found him smiling cheerfully, holding a steaming teapot.

Zuko gave his uncle an appalled look. I broke into a wide grin, heart aching. Spirits, I'd missed this. I never should have left. I just hoped I hadn't ruined my chance.

"I think you're due for a raise," the shop owner said.

The door to the shop suddenly slid back with a bang, drawing all eyes to the figure in the doorframe.

"I'm tired of waiting," the figure said, stepping inside. The light revealed a very familiar face.


Jet pointed an accusing finger at Zuko and Iroh. "These two men are firebenders!"

The shop fell silent as Jet drew his hook weapons, slashing them menacingly. I felt as though I'd been slammed with a wave of ice water. Jet couldn't reveal them! I'd just found them again! I hadn't even gotten to say sorry. Then it occurred to me—was it my fault? Had my slip-up with Zuko's name made him realize who they were?

Zuko and Iroh glanced at each other.

"I know they're firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet continued.

What? That day I'd seen them through the windows? Some other time I hadn't been there? But Jet had been watching them since I joined them... then I recalled when I left Zuko. I'd looked back to see Iroh happily sipping a cup of steaming tea. A cup he'd previously told us was the coldest tea in Ba Sing Se. How had I missed that?


For once, it hadn't been my fault.

"He works in a tea shop," a customer pointed out, unimpressed.

"He's a firebender, I'm telling you!" Jet insisted, raising his weapons.

The customer frowned. "Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy," he and his companion stood, glowering.

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