Chapter 15: Trapped

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"Don't you dare fall asleep this time," Xiulan growled, jabbing her knife at me to accentuate the point (no pun intended). Thankfully, it was sheathed this time.

"Well if I do, just wake me up please instead of leaving me here," I begged.

"No can do, darling. I'm stationed elsewhere."

"You're what?"

"I'm just making sure you know where to go."

Panic raced through me. I couldn't do this by myself! I'd only had a couple nights of experience! And even then, it was more like sitting lessons while Xiulan ran back and forth.

"Whatever you do, don't scream, or you'll bring the Dai Li down on us all," Xiulan advised.


"When in doubt... actually, there really is nothing to be in doubt about. Unless you're stupid. Are you stupid?"

I shook my head wordlessly.

"Then you'll be fine. It's the simplest job you could ask for. Don't mess it up," she pointed her sheathed knife at me again.

I nodded.

Xiulan hooked her knife to her belt. "My work here is done." She strode off down the alley, and I settled myself in for another night of sitting absolutely still on the uncomfortable ground.

"One more thing," Xiulan poked her head back over the crate I hid behind, and I jumped. "If you mess up, don't you dare show your face here again." Her voice was as cold and hard as the stones I sat on. I shivered. "And if you're worried, just leave. Leave now, and don't come back."

Then she was gone. I frowned, staring into the shadows that had swallowed her.

There was no moon tonight, and the only light came from the colored lanterns strung on the street adjacent to this one. That was where I needed to watch, I'd been told.

You can do this, I cheered myself on, just stare at that street for hours. And don't fall asleep. No problem. I'd taken a nap earlier, so hopefully I could manage it this time. I'd done it the last few times, but those had been quick, only about an hour. Two at most.

I missed my bed. Not the pile of rags we called a bed here, or the sleeping bag I'd had with Zuko and Iroh, but my real bed back home. It'd had a mattress and sheets and a pillow and everything. Plus, it was actually comfortable. What I wouldn't give for a pillow... I sighed dreamily.

No! No thinking about pillows or mattresses. I had to stay awake, or I could kiss my chance with this group goodbye. And despite her unsettling tendencies, I was actually starting to like Xiulan, and it was impossible not to like Jin. Fen seemed nice enough, if a little odd. Heng... well, he wasn't horrible. He mostly just kept to himself and scowled if we got too loud.

Spirits, I said I wanted freedom, and all I did was attach myself to the very next group that came along, just because I was curious. I guess I really couldn't operate by myself.

A shadow fell across the entrance to the alleyway. I blinked, twitching involuntarily in surprise. Maybe I'd actually have something to do tonight! The shadow resolved into an elderly-looking man carrying a lantern who, sure enough, turned onto my street. I tensed, creeping to the pre-arranged space we'd cleared by the wall to act as a sort of tunnel so as to remain unnoticed. The space was tight, but being here had been sort of like a forced diet, so I squeezed through no problem. At the end of the alley, I paused, glancing back at the old man who was now halfway through. I assumed he was old, based on his hunched posture and the steady clack-clack of something acting as a cane. I couldn't actually see his face, or anything other than his silhouette and the area of brown tunic illuminated by his lantern.

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