Chapter 12: A Flower in Bloom

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"Save this for me, will you?" I dumped a pile of fruit on Iroh's lap, mostly mangoes, with some oranges and persimmons mixed in too. Hey, I'd worked hard for this, and if I was gonna have to share it, I'd make sure I'd get my fair share.

I munched on a moon peach as I helped pass out food amongst the passengers. Jet was right, there was plenty to go around, and long after the other bags ran out, mine was still producing. Ha, see? The extra weight was totally worth it.

I handed a papaya to a smiling mother, feeling a warm glow at the children's excitement. Maybe Jet's way of doing things wasn't so bad, even if it did include the occasional terrifying zipline.

I yelped as a hand grabbed my elbow, yanking me around the corner of the cabin. I whirled around to find myself face-to-face with a glowering Zuko.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What was that about?" he hissed, eyes burning.

"What was what about?"

"You hanging all over Jet, like he's some perfect—"

I stared at him. "You mean, that one time when not hanging on tight enough meant plummeting to my death? Gee, I wonder why..." I tapped my finger to my chin in mock consideration. Of course, I probably wouldn't have died, just sprained something...broken a bone at most. But I wasn't going to tell Zuko that.

Zuko's eyes blazed. "Don't pretend. You enjoyed it," he accused, pointing an angry finger at me.

"Not really," I laughed sarcastically, batting the finger aside. "Maybe I would've enjoyed it more if I was in control, but frankly, I found the zipline terrifying."

Zuko glared. "Not the zipline—Jet. You like him."

"Well he's given me no reason not to," I pointed out.

"It's more than that," Zuko leaned closer, amber eyes burning into mine, "You like him." He put suggestive emphasis on the word, making my face turn red from more than just anger.

"What? No!" I denied a little too quickly.

Zuko curled his lip. "Don't lie. I've seen you mooning over him. It's pathetic."

I gritted my teeth. "Stop it, Zuko." Had I been mooning over Jet? Sure, I'd imagined kissing him, but that had been one brief moment. And he had just told me to hug him, basically. Anyone would get a little flustered.

"Like he's so great and deserves everything that comes his way—" Zuko snarled.

"What is wrong with you?" I cried, advancing on him. He didn't back down. "What do you have against Jet? You didn't seem to have any problem with him this afternoon!"

"That was before—"

"Before what?" I yelled, gaze smoldering. I was so close that I had to look up to see his eyes.

He scowled down at me, but didn't answer. I huffed a scornful breath, stepping back.

"Better get back to your boyfriend," he muttered. "Maybe you can sit on his lap."

"Maybe I will," I shot back.



I stormed away, gritting my teeth. Of course I wasn't going to sit on Jet's lap...but why did Zuko have to be such a pain? Jet was just a friend. I didn't actually think he was my boyfriend. I mean I kinda liked him, but I wasn't madly in love or anything. It was his own fault for having that crazy rizz. Though he could probably lose the wheat piece.

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