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guys this was the voltron chick I was telling you about

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guys this was the voltron chick I was telling you about

basically short analysis since I haven't gotten into full adaptation of the show, her name is Kori'Kira, alias known as "Angel"

She's an 116 year old (16) (18 by season 8) Tamagaren, or an alien species from an former planet that was under attack. She crash landed and was found by the crew (Lance, Hunk, and Pidge) and became apart of the crew since then.


Angel is an cheerful, naive and playful, but her naivete is not to be mistaken for stupidity, as she's far more intelligent than she looks with her quick-wittedness, despite having an child like attitude, She cares very deeply for friends and others that she's willing to sacrifice herself in need. Angel also be very sarcastic and sassy at times, including being spunky, dramatic, and energetic. She expressed herself in dramatic ways, whenever she's crying or celebrating.

Her beauty is the first thing many realize about her, from her long hair and alluring eyes. She was admired for her beauty on her planet, including her voice and hypnotizing moves. She can also sometimes be very arrogant about her appearance.

Before she met the crew, she didn't understand much English until she was taught overtime by them, her English improving over the course of time. Though, she still slips up and adds extra words at the end of sentences (such as saying "why does you do that" or "I asks you to do that") When she first met the crew, she was very hesitant and alert such as when she punched Lance in the face when she woke up to him holding her. She kept distant from them for an long while until Lance shown genuine compassion, that she trusted them.

She can be very stubborn, reckless, and impulsive. Compared to her cute appearance, she's very temperamental and holds an scary anger when set off, intimating to others who are used to her kind attitude. Her anger is something she can't control the best, either throwing or breaking objects around her. Angel's anger is somewhat resembled to an cat, hissing and flashing her teeth, or her pupils shrinking.

Angel is also sensitive and somewhat insecure about her species, since they're highly looked down upon to other planets besides humans. She dislikes being called "Trok" an racist name aganist her kind. She gets very emotional and hates expressing it in tears, seeing it as an sign of her weakness. She fears of being abanonded and alone.

Down in battle, despite her short stature (around the similar height as Pidge) her super-strength surprises many. She knows when it's time to take things seriously, with her sharp-eye and flexible reflexives from being an former warrior adds to it.


character inspo : misa amane (voice claim) starfire, rosalina, kidagaska, chel


she has an strong relationship with many people, noticably between hunk and lance. she gets along better with guys, having grown up with an large family or mostly boys.

Lance - in the beginning, Lance has always found her to be attractive especially with her exotic appearance and attitude, but he only earned an punch in his face. It took her time to warm up to him, but overtime the two grew close. Their somewhat mistaken as an couple, due to the fact they tend to butt heads the most.

Deep down, Angel does show an sense of admiration for Lance. Showing more of her loyalty in being very protective over him as she's slipped up so often referring him to "My Lance." Since he's shown the most care for her when they first met, she trusts him the most surprisely.

Hunk - in the beginning, similar to Lance he found her to be quite pretty, referring to her as "Pretty lady." The two didn't interact much however when he introduced her to video games was when their friendship blossomed. Now, their like partners in crime. She tends to be the one to calm him down in situation, even if it takes an slap on the face. Whenever she seems him, an smile always appears on her face.

She'll jump on his back in an hug, or peer over his shoulder.

Pidge : In the beginning, the two didn't interact much. Pidge would be to afraid to go near her, seeing Angel as feral. Once Angel got interested from seeing Pidge work on technology was when the two clicked..being the only few girls on the team, they get along pretty well.

Shiro : Having not met Shiro until later on, she kept an alertness about him. She could notice fast however that he had an sense of softness to him, so she warmed up to him faster than others. She looks up to him and admires him greatly.

Keith ; The two didn't interact much in the beginning, but she caught Keith's eye first. She didn't quite understand why he was so interested in her, but unknown to her he remembers her. Due to the many times he's tried to get her to remember him always ended in bad situations. Despite this, the two are close as she shows an loyalty and care for him.

Going as far to be one of the only ones to ever refer to her as "Kori'Kira," causing her to get emotional, their relationship blossomed from there, even going as far for her nearly sacrificing herself for his sake.

Allura ; The two of them didn't interact much in the beginning, but when Allura pointed out her markings was when they clicked. They bond over royalty, including Allura going as far to introduce her to her Mice.

??? : ??? is Angel's loyal friend. he's her pet, however to many at first glance he's terrifying. To Angel however, he's just an cutie. He's very protective over her, growling and hissing his teeth at people who get close to her. He's able to talk in certain sentences and acfs somewhat like an baby, but also an dog.


being an Tamagaren (alien) she holds more abilities than average humans have

• super strength, agility, endurance, reflexes
• immense speed
• an hard head
• psychokinesis
• healing (via hair or tears)
• immense smell and hearing

+ an angelic siren voice and belly dancer

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