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my deep devotion

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my deep devotion.

(this is also kinda an apple-melody template too. (magnolia replacing Lola) but I felt that this DEFINITELY fit them more.)


+ an few cute lawlita facts for you guys

• ever since L saved Lola's life, he originally planned on just taking care of her until she felt better and expected her to leave. However, she stuck around him.

• L always wonders why Lola is so infatuated with him, the reason being is that he is one of the only people in the world that cared for her.

• They have an son named "Ryukensei" however, L passed before he could have an chance to meet him. He resembles his father an lot

• Whenever the two to go out, she takes L shopping with her! Usually he's the one holding the bags as she's filling the cart up with clothes for either her, or even him!

• Lola fell first, L fell harder. However, his confession was moments before his deceased.

• Around an few years when Ryukensei was 14, Lola wrote her name in her own Death Note having battled with her long years of depression after L's death. She writes Lolita Ozaki, Dying in the embrace of L Lawliet

Having been "working together" for an long time, during the confession L gave her an ring. In the time skip arc, she refers to L as her "husband" despite the two not getting officially married, but due to L's claim of "wanting to be with her forever."

• Lola named Ryukensei after L. Ryu (Ryusaki), with his middle name being L.

• Lola loves to admire L as he works. She finds him to be very cute when he's focused, but also handsome. L also admires her aswell, whenever it's her modeling photos or commercials, or even pointing out her outfits.

• She got her "L" tattoo an year while working with L. He was surprised and confused at first, but went with it. She got the tattoo in honor of him since she was working under his name

• L doesn't let getting Lola involved in anything dangerous, besides the fact she could literally snap her fingers and ebliterate the world. He DID NOT want her being involved with Kira's case in fear that he would find out her name and write her down.

• Lola shows she cares in physical affection, L shows he cares through words (if he isn't an stuttering shy mess)

• Lola always has L's stuff ready at the go before he even asks! She has an routine where she goes out around 5am to get him some coffee. If he asking for something, in the middle of that sentence it's already handed to him.

• L is Lola's Light, however L actually returns interest

• She disapproves of L's insomnia and will go to lengths to sleep along side him whether in his chair or beside him. Though, she's out like an light after. L finds it funny and cute.

___i fell asleep while posting this

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