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since I was busy redesigning OCS of mine, I ended up redesigning her!

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since I was busy redesigning OCS of mine, I ended up redesigning her!


Introducing the gothic punk herself, Maldroia Jessica-Rose Manson! (However if you call her by her middle name, she'll rock your shit. <3)

She tends to refer to herself as Maldroia Jessica Manson, instead of Jessica-Rose hating how "cutesy" it sounds.

Name : Maldroia Jessica (Rose) Manson
AGE : 16 | March Aries
HEIGHT : She keeps her height secret, shorter than Larry and Ash. Sal? Who knows.
PRONOUNS : Gender fluid (usually goes by female pronouns in public and referring to herself)
SEXUALITY : Pansexual
VOICE CLAIM : Marceline the Vampire Queen

ALL PIERCINGS: ears, tongue, right eyebrow, belly button, lips, septum, smiley (optional) and chest
TATTOOS: S.F (chest.) Cherries (left chest) Larry (Left wrist) Ashley (Right wrist) Heart (front stomach) Rose (Full back)
STYLE : Anything but pink.
EXTRA : She has an mole under her left eye, her neck and her breast. Dimples. Hazel eyes.

Maldroia is the 16 year old popular girl in school, who's well known for her rock and metal songs enough to make your blood pump. Her group is named "The Cherry Manson's" the name "Cherry" inspired by her Father who's favorite fruit were cherries, another reason why she got her tattoo.

You'd hear her name all around the school, all the guys and girls having the hots for her. However, she's not into the jocks, she's into the mysterious and secretive guys. As annoying as it is her best friend Larry constantly hits on her only to get turned down, having her eyes on an certain someone.

She doesn't mess around when it comes to her friends however, rating her hands "e for everyone." She's so known for her fights, she has her own corner trashcan in the school where she throws people in after she's finished, her name being sprayed at the top.

She's into horror, liking the mystery behind things. She loves ghosts, loving to do cool spells to summon stuff. However if it's disgusting she's out, especially if it involves baloney. Shes the only one cheering at the madness. Despite it, she does have her fears of the dark and unknown.

She has her vulnerable moments, opening up to only her closest friends, usually using smoking or weed to cope trying to get off use to it.

Growing up, Maldroia had it pretty rough. With an mother who wasn't into the "Gothic" style, and an father who was nothing but Goth was an bit of an mix, however they made it work enough to get married and have an daughter. However, when her father started getting Maldroia into the genre, her mother would always push her away from it stating it was "Santantic."

She first got into it when she found her father playing the guitar, singing to himself. Interested, she came over and sat beside him in silence instead of stopping, he continued. Later in the future years, he made an song called "To my dear Maldroia." being the song he was singing to her as she was younger.

Mal always preferred her father over her own mother, an daddy girl. her father always getting her cool skulls and black clothing while her mother got her more pretty and pink stuff. This caused an lot of arguments, her mother not liking her father "pushing her onto the devil's music." Having had enough, her mother kicked her father out, leaving Maldroia in her mother's care.

As years passed, her mother remarried to another man being her step-father. She disliked her father and mother in the future, reason being for how they disrespected her father for his differences and how they never supported her for wanting to do music. She was 14, when she met Ash and Larry, talking to them online. She did speak to them about running away, which the two of them being her support cheered her on.

Around 15, the arguments grew more and more for her.

She made the decision to move out at 15 and make her way down to the apartments. She stayed away from anything related to them, not answering their calls. She still speaks to her father, the two of them having an stable relationship. She's the person he goes to as "he knows what makes her happy, it's for him to sing."

Now 16, she grew an fanbase for herself.

She has her own band, and also an solo music career where she sings as herself and her male persona "Maldrod." Once she runs into Sally Face, herself and her friends get dragged into the craziness of the world.. But hey, she's into an little mystery and adventure.


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