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She puts the fun in chaotic and has the looks of an icon! Being the bruiser she is, she's earned the name Guts!


Guts is shown to be cocky and confident, and hates being wrong. She can be slightly impulsive and reckless with her decisions, including resulting to her stubborn attitude. However she is a very lively and cheerful girl, often having an smile on her face and an extroverted persona. She's sweet and caring towards close friends of hers and others that share her the same feelings.

Guts is very motherly and sweet with younger children and babies, showing them the amounts of cares she holds. This includes her liking a lot of cute things.

Born in an rich family, she's the most flamboyant of her outfits. She rather keeps her "rich" life style quiet, disliking bringing up her family life. She has habits of rambling in Japanese when she's upset or mad, or even singing quietly to herself.

She's won an few contests in the town, due to her family being popular for their unique looks. She's quite insecure about her looks as she usually wears makeup and cares very much for her appearance. As spoken by Stone liking her with and without the makeup, she started wearing it less.

Guts earned her nickname from her violent and vicious ways of fighting, described as feral. Her violent streaks can often result in her getting carried away, but giving her the chance to 1v anyone that dares get in her way. She can sometimes get blinded by rage, and overally emotional which she hates.

Guts's main weapons is an personal knife she always has with her, and her trusty bat with needles on the edges of them which she refers to as "Bam Bam!"

It's revealed she has issues about how she sees herself, feeling that she's not appreciated enough and wants to feel important to someone.


Born Seraphina "Serena" she was born into an abusive family, always getting tossed/blamed to the side by her parents. This resulted in her acting the way she is now.

She would eventually run away and come in contact with Vinnie, who the two would later meet with Skipp.

Coming back into the town, an certain boy (Stone) would accidentally be pushed into her resulting in an love at first sight moment for the girl. From here and moving forward, she became an permanent figure of the group.

alternative outfits

____alternative outfits

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(+ original outfit inspired by ghostieteef

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(+ original outfit inspired by ghostieteef



Guts enjoys doing things like smoking, drinking and weed since it's the only time she's allowed no parental control. She's very clever in out smarting people as she's gotten away with stealing a lot of stuff for them.

She has an certain raccoon that "adopted" her named "Rabies." who happens to always attack Skipp the most. She shows interest in singing/rapping and is good at street dancing and beat boxing.



• she has scars along her back, some from her family and some from her own street fights

• she's around 3 inches shorter than Vinnie

• she's described to has an very cutesy voice, which comes to an surprise to many for her chaotic behavior

• she's rather fidgeting often when she's nervous

• she has an fear of deep oceans of water, insects, the dark, and paranormal

• ironically, she loves paranormal activity and finding out mysteries of the unknown

• She got her name Guts from violently killing a man and pulling out his guts

• she's very flinchy and is quick to flip someone over her or punch them if she touches her without her being aware of who it is. She also tends to flinch or block her face.

• she gets real emotional during arguments and fights, including yelling as if reminds her of her family life.

• she started self defense an long time ago in order to protect herself

• she occasionally stims or squeals when she's excited

• she has heterochromic! an blue eye and golden eye. She's the only one in her family with this trait

• her family owns an mansion

• her nose wriggles up and she snorts when she laughs

• Her real name is Seraphina (Sarah-Phina), as she gets called this by her family but her friends refer to her as "Guts" or in more personal times "Serena"

• She loves anime!

• she has an very slim but athletic build when she flexes.

• she tends to dissociate when she's lost in thought

• one of her biggest dreams is to be an lawyer

• she doesn't get flustered by compliments from people but when it comes to someone she has interest in she does

• she loves spicy food

• she loves tarantulas, and small things like lady bugs

• she has an haunted teddy bear that she found and tends to bring around with her ever so often named "Judas"

• she enjoys cute, but also likes creepy things such as toys, antiques, or any unique that tugs her interest

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