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(+ Her sketch cause I prefer it better)

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(+ Her sketch cause I prefer it better)

finally finished her, this is Seraphina (Dungeon Meshi OC)

Short analysis, she's an half elf-succubus who loves to dance, sing and flirt and has an pet walking Mushroom named Shroomy

Not much is known about her family life other than the fact her first death was murder, leaving her to die with the fact her parents were sacrificed. She's unaware if their alive or dead but remains hopeful for her sanity.

She's apart of Laios's group, having an romantic interest rather than an "lustful" one for the man. When she first laid eyes on him, she knew he was the one for her. From being an flirty and seductive succubus, to an more flustered and sweating mess over if him complimenting her is an sign he likes her or if him touching her arm means he wants to (careless whisper)


Serena is an flirty, seductive and alluring succubus full aware of her sexual appeal and using it to her advantages. She's an playful tease and gets an thrill out of it. She can be very jealous and envious when others try any advantages on Laios, showing an more cunning and cold side to her.

Beneath her flirting aura, hides an more lively, fun hearted and cheerful girl. She has an kind heart and is always optimistic. Serena holds an clever mind, being smart and sneaky especially in battle showing off battle-banter and her feral tactics.

Even as Stubborn as she is, she fears on losing close ones she cares about and is rather clingy as she's rarely had any friends growing up, only looking for praise and worship. With her love for Laios, she changed from an lustful female to an more sincere and romantic girl. Though, she always still has to flirt with him time to time.


Laios "What an Man."

Marcille "Was annoying, I like her now!"

ChilChuck "Cute little guy when he's mad!"

Falin "She's really pretty.."

Shuro "Mm, pretty hot."

Izutsumi "Guess their alright."

Senshi "He's like an Dad!"

Mom and Dad "I hope their okay.."


• her favorite foods are sweets, such as fruit and ice cream. She also enjoys noodles!
• she's described to have an siren's voice when singing, as it attracts many
• she dislikes eating anything that involves mushroom, as she feels like she's eating Shroomy
• She would brutally murder anyone that dared to eat or hurt Shroomy.
• She's had Shroomy since she was 5, the two of them growing up together.
• Seraphina was previously 20, as she states she's turned 21 somewhere during the events of the show
• she was transformed to an Chimera around the time she was 18, traumatized her.
• She has an move called "Shroomy Bounce!" an move she does with Shroomy that when executed, she tosses him up and smashes her hip or rear into him sending him flying
• her outfit is similar to Chel's from Road to El Dorado, being an huge inspiration
• Her body is able to heat up when she's very flustered, even including anyone to hear her heartbeat
• Marcille is her wing woman! Despite how oblivious Laios is.
• Serena suspects he doesn't like her back, however he does. He just doesn't know how to "get it out."
• Her main weapon is her staff, using it to summon her spells. Being an demon aswell comes to its advantages for the powers she possess in secret

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