September 14th.

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Spelling mistakes
Spell checks?😦🤨😨🤫🧏‍♂️

"You fucking- piece of shit for brains!" Punching the vending machine I felt my entire body go limp. The boy waiting behind me had let out the loudest laugh I've ever heard.

"How did you even manage to do that- mate you haven't even typed in your number. What's your number?" He laughs. "Why? You wanna take me on a date?"

"Sure but I need a kiss on the cheek first." My body was still tingling. "Okay what's the student number?"

"What does that even mean?" I was seeing the holy trinity and I wasn't sure it was going to stop. "Your id badge. The one you were given, it's literally how you get into school."

"This is a fucking vending machine. Why do I need my code?" He shrugs. "Who knows. I guess it's pretty secure though, all things considered."

"I could've broken this." He snickers. "Your hand or the vending machine?"

"Both. I can break this." He nods, giving me about as much confidence as a little bit of glitter would. "Yeah. Okay."

"I will." I stand myself up straight. "Okay, tell you what, we can both try breaking it, if you can tell me a joke, on the spot right now."

"Uh- what do you call an orphan named oat?" He shrugs, seeming confused. "Self raising flour." His mouth opened quickly, closing in an instant. "Oh my god. Okay go."

Lucky for me I was ambidextrous. I punched it, I got no where, he sighed. Shaking his head and giving himself a pep talk.

Taking a full swing. Not a scratch. "What if we used the power of friendship?" He gasps. "You are a genius." I shrugged. "I know."

He nods. "On three." He counts down, both of us swinging at once, the glass shattering along with our dignity, the glass had ruined my pretty little hands.

Both of us had resorted to lying and rolling on the floor in pain.

Julia was stood over us with that same angry look and her arms folded. "Oh my god!" He yells. "Oh my god I'm gonna die!"

"Why did you tell me to do that!?" Dolton picked us both up, throwing us over his shoulders and dragging us down to Julia's office. "Oh god! Dolton I'm gonna need you to kiss my hand better! It hurts so bad."

"This is absolutely ridiculous." We both turned to each other, the complaints slowly turned to laughter and high fives, which lead us right back to the yelling.

Dolton sits us down in the office seats. "What is it you two eat for breakfast? Stupidity? Luke that's the sixth thing you've broken this week. Calum? I've lost count."

"Ha I'm winning." I hit him across the head over and over. "I'll break you then I'll win."

"Luke. Sit back in your seat." I curl into myself a little. "Yeah Luke, sit in your seat."

"Sit on my face you dumb little slut." Calum smiles. "Okay." He mumbled out. "Oh my god. Oh my god it's like watching two kids try and have a conversation."

"Julia you're hurting my feelings right now. I'm gonna call my dad and tell him you're fired."

"I don't work for your dad anymore." Calum snickers. "Is that how you got into this school?"

"How else would I have gotten into this school, look at me." He shrugs. "I thought maybe you'd used the exchanged student program."

"Oh he tried. I said no because in his first interview- this is how that went. 'Hi Luke, today we're going to be asking you a few questions about yourself' and then he decided in some weird panic that he would tell me that his mother is dead and if he doesn't get in he will kill himself."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now