September 20th.

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"Where did she get that dress?" Her mum had gotten here late. "Luke made it."

"What?" Chase yells. "You knew that. Anyway, I'm gonna go get a drink." I was sick of having the same conversations. It was sort of driving me mad. "Hi Luke."

"Hello." Everybody was all smiley today it was strange. "Hi Luke. You know what she said free drinks she didn't mean alcohol right?"

"Lies." He tilts his head. "Either give me an appropriate drink, or go away."

"How about neither. I want what I want and you know I will have it. I ask you please give me my drink." He sighs. "Hi Elsie." She hums. "Oh my god hi pretty girl. He won't give me my drink."

"Order a normal drink." She says. "Don't take his side. Chris, you either give me the drink or I'll get it myself. There's no cameras I can do it and you known will."

"Okay, if you can pour a shot into this glass without measuring it, I'll get you your drink and hers." Worst mistake he's ever made.

But I did it anyway. Watching the shot glass slowly fill up until it was perfectly aligned with the top of the glass. "How?"

"My brain works in magnificent ways. I'm taking this." He pushes it my way. "Luke, don't have any papers?"

I reach into my pocket, confused because they were there a second ago. "And also a filter and the tobacco."

"Fuck sake Dylan. Do you know how to roll?" He shakes his head. "You look so pretty today Luke."

"You're such a fucking tease." I didn't really mind, for some unknown reason, I really enjoy rolling my cigarettes. "Hi." She hums out a hello. "Say hello, he's not going to bite unless you ask him to."

"Hello." She mumbled. "This is Elise. We're like, best friends."

"Mhm, I bet. Chris can I have a coke please." Chris sighs. "I guess." I hold out the cigarette. He blows me a kiss taking his drink. "I will love you forever."

"You better- Luis! Hi." He was smiley too. "Hello. Hello my love, I am sorry that I was late, I have been working, but I have to give you a gift."

"For what?" She hesitatingly took the bag. "For your awards. Luke has told me that you were winning an award. So I bring you a gift."

"Oh, you didn't have to. Thank you." He nods. "Of course, my wife is watching the store so I do have to be going. But congratulations."

"Thank you." He kisses her cheek, rushing off before she could say anything else. "He's so cute sometimes."

"Holy shit." She whispered. Holding up one of his favourite necklaces. "Oh yeah he's also really good at making jewellery- oh he used your favourite colour."

We both turn back around, Chris still stood there with a smile. "What are you all smiley about?" Maybe it's contagious. "Watching her receive gifts is funny."

"Luke, Luke, hello. Hi. The band is late." I blink. "Cortney I'm getting really sick of this child labour- no I'm kidding, can I sing what I want to sing or are you gonna make me sing really depressing songs?"

"If you give me a list I'll get it sorted." She walks off down to the sound guy. Downing my drink, I grab Elsie's arm, dragging her along with me. "My drink."

"Bring it with you, I need you on drums." She groans. "This is ridiculous."

"Mason, Calum, come on." He jumps up. "What are you playing then? You get six songs."

"Courts I really gotta think about this one. I mean, this is a lot of pressure." She nods. "I bet. Write it down for me."

"Will do." It took its five minutes, it would've taken less time if we could remember the nickleback song.

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now