September 22nd.

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"Oh, my goodness. What a funny place to run into you." Aimee stand with a smile. "Hello Aimee. What can I get you?"

"Do you think she would be my friend?" She asked. "Who? Elise? Ask her not me." She steps back. "No, I'm nervous. She's got a really scary stare." I turn around. "Elise, my love."

"Yeah?" Oh she does. I've never noticed that before. "You're pretty."

She turns back around, rolling her eyes at me. "I see no issues. Just ask her." Aimee groans. "You're not understanding, you find it easy cause you're easy to talk to."

"I'm sorry I'm approachable. My god. Either order something or move." She huffs. "Fine, peppermint tea."

"No. Order something good or move. That's disgusting." She scoffs. "You can't just say no."

"I can to you. I have the rights to do so. Move." She walks away, moping like a child. "Kurt. Oh my god you didn't come in yesterday I was so sad."

"I had a doctor's appointment- how did you know I wasn't here?" He looked very tired. "I always see you at this time. I missed your little face. How's your day?"

"It's- fine. Are you going to sell me anything? Or try to?" He was so sassy but he loves when I sell him things. "Yes, I made a coconut cake this morning, it's alright but people seem to like it. That with a vanilla coffee would be good."

"Fine. Do that then." He huffs out. "I've missed your passive aggressive approach to friendship."

"You are just annoying. I want this over with." My smile widens. "It'll be over there for you when it's ready Kurt."

"Whatever." The second he was gone my mood had gone right down. Watching this man stare at me like I'd slapped him. "Hi what can I get you today?"

"Usual." Wow, wonderful. "I'm sorry I don't, I don't know what your usual is."

"Are you fucking stupid." I nod. "I must be. I'm sorry, if you could just tell me I could have it done in a second."

"My god, a normal latte- normal. You know what that means? That means no foam." I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut. "Sir I'm sorry the lattes are- they're made to have foam."

"Then make it without foam." I nod. "I will, try." I was so fucking screwed. "I want it boiling, do not bring it to me warm."

"If I steam the milk it's- okay. No that's fine." He smacks the money onto the counter, my entire life almost flashing before my eyes.

My heart was racing and I swear I saw the tiniest glimpse of her before he walked away.

"Uh he wants- the, the latte without foam." Vince holds his hand on my shoulder, my heart dropping as I jumped out of my place. "Woah, shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I felt a little sick.

"Sorry, no I'm fine." Grabbing Kurt's drink with my shaky hands, I set his plates down. "If you spill my drink you make me a new one." I laughed. "Cheapskate." Kurt shook his head.

My heart was fucking pounding. I couldn't even hold the guys cup properly because it was fucking burning my hand.

He stepped forward to grab it, my body running cold as he goes to speak. "It's not fucking hot enough." He throws the cup against the counter.

The cup shattering right in my direction with the coffee spilling on my stomach and my arms. "Make it again!"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Her hand reaches for my shoulder, her nails digging deep. "Do it again! Properly!"

"I'm sorry." My arms were burning, luckily it had bounced my way so the mess was an easy clean up, but I couldn't do it much at a time because my head was spinning.

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now