October 7th.

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"Hi Luke." Seeing her this close was terrifying. I felt like a little kid again and I hated it.

"Ma'am, don't talk to him." She tuts. "He's the one in trouble here. Do you not remember what I just told you?"

"Luke have you had a sudden out bursts lately? Towards anyone?" She was trying so hard to fight that smile. "No. No why?"

"You have a few new cuts and she's claiming you've gotten a man put in jail the same as her, she says you've twisted things around."

"No i- I haven't. John you know I wouldn't do that." Her face was pissing me off. "Put your hands on the table." His partner was pissing me off too. "Please don't make me- John please I can't- I can't do it."

"You're fine as you are. Oliver, stop. Just keep yourself still okay. Ma'am what exactly was it that she'd told you?" She sighs. "Be said that he made his coffee with hazelnut and he is allergic, then when he asked him for a new one he refused and my friend was burnt by his coffee because it had slips from his hand due to the hazelnut getting to him."

"That wasn't how that happened." I said, watching her fake a flinch as I sat up. "Ma'am, stop it. Luke have you been to your check up? The doctor said you haven't been in a while."

"I haven't needed to. I've been okay. I've handled it all myself really well and I had some help from a friend." I really wasn't enjoying the look from Oliver. "Yeah okay." She huffed out.

"Ma'am, if I have to tell you one more time. Luke you have a few cuts on your arm and I- I know that you can handle it but sometimes your autism can cause you more stress than you need, maybe you don't remember?"

"These cuts are from the problem she's referring to." I was calm, which I know they find is a sign of guilt but I wasn't physically capable of being mad, I had no reason to.

"I was serving him his coffee, which I don't remember what he got but he hadn't told me he had any allergies, they usually do. But he was just seeming angry, I brushed it off, he never asked for another coffee he just threw his cup and it shattered into my arm."

"Seriously? And you expect us to believe that? The glass somehow only managed to get you?" John didn't seem to be enjoying his partners company either. "You're such a liar Luke, always have been."

"No I promise you. That's what happened, I had a witness, Kurt- fuck, I forgot his last name. John I swear I haven't hurt anybody."

"He said you hit him in the chest." There weren't any cameras, they'd broken a few weeks beforehand. "No, no I promise you I didn't. I haven't hit anybody. Why are you flinching? Huh? Why? Why are you flinching? You fucking ruined my life. Yet you're flinching?"

"See what I mean? He just gets so angry so quickly." She moves back. "I'm not angry Christian I'm fucking terrified of you. You fucking hit me. You yelled at me. You made me do things that I hated and you smiled about it. You take pride in the fact that you made me cry. I would never do that to you, I would've never done that to you."

John stood beside me, holding my shoulder as lightly as he could. "So now you're just taking his side? Why? Cause he's autistic? You can't just take his side immediately."

"Ma'am, I'm not taking sides. Please stay seated." I couldn't breathe properly. My heart was hurting, my body was aching. "Oh god stop fucking crying, the fuck do you expect me to do. Seriously you're a fucking cry baby."

I just sat there for about ten minutes while she talked shit and yelled at me. "People fake this shit all the time. Who's to say he isn't the one that hit me? Hm? None of you listen to me."

The door opens, Kurt walking in, highly confused, suddenly his eyes went black.

I turned to Christian, who was about as pale as a ghost. "Why the fuck is she out? I don't want to see her."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now