September 15th.

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"Calum." Tackling him into the wall. I heard it crack, Calum pushing me away. "Oh you absolutely did that on purpose."

"No. Anyways, you know the maths test? Did you do it- I mean homework." He pouts. "No I did not." I smack my head into the locker. "I need to know what question two was, I got food on my paper and I'm scared to ask for another."

"You're kidding. Miss Mills, Luke has done his homework but can't figure out the second question-"

"I got food on it. I can read I swear." She snickers. "It was an extension on the first question. Explaining why you got that answer your answer."

"That's really dumb," Calum smacks me in the chest. "Thank you, I meant thank you."

She nods. "Hey did you wanna go get a blizzard with me? I really want ice cream." He thought about it. Taking in a deep breath. "Yes I do."

"Wonderful." We both turned to get ready to leave. "Heard you got a job bus boy."

"Bus on my dick. Why are you acting like making money is such a bad move?" He frowns. "You're weird as fuck."

"Mhm, move away from me or I'll start coughing on you. I'm so fucking serious." He was quick to walk away. "Calum I need you to fake mum's signature." Oh god, she's so pretty.

"For what? What did you do?" She shrugs. "It's not important. Just sign it."

"Fine pass it here. We're going to get blizzards did you wanna go?" She's so pretty. I can't think about it too much it's making it hard to breathe. "I guess."

"Did I hear ice cream?" Mason jumps over. "No you heard blizzards." Calum said. "Same difference. I want ice cream."

"Mason I've missed you." He jumps at me, kissing my cheek. "Ice cream time."

Throwing me over his shoulder, he drags me with him, I didn't mind not walking so this made me a little happier. "Mr Clark, you owe me a detention."

"I'll do it tomorrow." She tried to argue but he was gone before she said a word. "Mason put me down." I laughed. "Right, sorry."

"No it's okay. I just can't see much." I did eventually find my footing. "I fucking love ice cream." Mason really loves ice cream. "Me too." Calum sighs.

"Wait, Luke if your dad is getting married to Julia won't that make his name Hero Takahashi?" Calum laughs.

I'd stopped in the middle of the street to really rethink my life. "Your dad is Hero Jawns?" Mason asked. "How did you know that?"

"Your dad is literally my hero. I'm so serious he's the reason I got into drums. Holy shit. He's like the sexiest man alive not to mention." Ew. "Dude, that's his dad."

"Yeah I can see that. What the fuck is your gene pool. My god, if you had babies they'd come out looking like some kind of fucking model." I didn't really know what to do right now.

"Can we stop talking about my dad?" Mason tuts. "Fine." Pushing the door open, Mason kisses each of us on the cheek. Getting a thank you off me and Calum, and a slap from Elise.

"Hi Luke, how you doing?" Danny was always so smiley it was great. "I'm good. How are you?"

"I scoop ice cream for a living. My life's great. Are you surfing tomorrow morning? Waves are good." His eyebrows raise. "Yeah. Sounds good. Can I just have the vanilla please."

"I'll have the chocolate." Calum says. Mason leans over. "Can I have the strawberry."

"Neither of you gonna say please?" I asked. "Please." They're like actual children. Elise was on the phone, I'd just paid and told him to get whatever she wanted.

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now