October 3rd.

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She went as Raven. Which was the main costume I had them focus on because I knew she would. Kyle was going to have a field day.

"So all the bar staff are dressed the same?" I tie the wristband around her arm. "Yes. But I'm the tallest so if you need anything you'll see me. Or just yell down the mic, you've got an hour but he said if you want longer he's willing to pay. I think he wants you up there all night."

"Did you make your band dress as the teen titans?" She laughs. "Yes. I have to do this throughout the entirety of October so if you want you can be the entertainment, you can choose your costumes tonight."

"Yeah. What if the people don't like this music?" I turn her to face the crowd of people in line. "Oh."

"Yeah. No that's this bars whole thing. They love people like you. I promise you there is not a single song you could play that would make them hate you- except for waterparks. If you play waterparks you'll have a few people cheer but the rest will be mad."

"Now I have to play waterparks." I sigh, watching her turn to the line. "Theres At least three people in the line that would appreciate it. I'll play one song- maybe two."

"Okay. But you might want to drink before you get on there cause this bar is huge and there's alot of people." She nods. "Yes."

"Atta girl. Okay come on." Pushing her through the back door into the kitchen. I watched half of them stop, staring like a deer in headlights.

"As you were." Walking her through the kitchen, I take the fries sat out on the side moving quickly. "He makes the kitchen staff dress up too?"

"Yeah they're all dressed up as stuck up fucking cunts. Riley, hello." He gasps. "Holy shit they're going to fucking love you. Yes! You're so much better than the rest. This is why I called you first. Hi, I'm Riley O'conner."

"Elsie Hood." He nods. "Yes. You're an angel, thank you so much. Luke the stool is set up."

"Stool?" She frowns. "Oh, yeah the crowd gives me a lap dance each and then whoever does it best gets a free drink."

"What?" Riley nods. "No he's kidding, it's for the announcements." Pushing through to the middle I checked to make sure I wasn't about to get groped. "Any of you gripe me and you're fucking dead."

"No promises." The guy mumbled. "Funny." Standing in the stool, I waited for the thumbs up from Riley. "Hey!" The music went quiet, which was unheard of in this place.

"Okay! Couple things to get out of the way! Do not, I mean do not, try and get on stage! David will drag your ass to the exit! Please don't have sex in the bathrooms! Do it in your car she'll thank you later! If you pick a fight with the staff, you will get shit back! Keep your mouth shut or take it! If any of you request Nicki Minaj I will personally take your life and ruin it! Have fun! One last thing! Riley would like you all to know that if any of you touch his wife! He will drag you to hell!"

Everybody knew his wife. Everybody was afraid of his wife. She was a sweetheart.

Picking up the stool from the floor, I start pushing people around. Knowing they won't say shit to gave me too much confidence.

"You're pretty sexy when you yell." Kyle bites his finger. "You're really weird."

"You love me. Raven, you're looking very, in character. This is great, best day of my life. I'm loving it, have you two- uhm, explored yet?"

I looked over, her head shake as she keeps her eyes on Kyle. "Really? Nothing? He's seen you like that and hasn't tried a single thing?" I thought I was bad. "No."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now