October 12th.

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"Why are you all so quiet?" Aimee had her first therapy session today. We all decided to sit and wait in the waiting room for her. "You are an idiot." Elise said. "Yeah but why?"

"Yesterday, when you were gossiping about everybody?" Fuck. "Yeah. We were behind the mirror. So everything you said about me liking Aimee, she heard it all."

"I'm sorry." He laughs. "It doesn't matter it was funny, it made her smile but it's just awkward. Even after everything I'm still an idiot."

"I didn't mean to, I just talk a lot and once I'm on it I'm down for." Mason shook his head. "You should've seen it. When we got back to school, we were talking and he walked right into her room. She just stood there waiting, he turned around and walked into the door frame."

"It was so bad. It's getting worse." It's a good thing he didn't ask about Elise cause god knows what I would've said. "It is. Like actually, it's so funny."

The office door opens. Aimee dances her way out, spinning into the space beside me. "It was wonderful seeing you all, I hope to see you soon so that we can talk more, Luke call me for your appointment times okay."

"Okay. Thank you." She nods, walking off back to her office. The awkward silence was making me feel a little sick. I lasted as long as I could, Elise was staring me down just waiting.

"So you guys fucked and saw each other naked but finding out you actually like each other is what you struggle to accept?"

Elise holds her hand out, Mason smacking the twenty dollars into her hand. "What?"

"What? I mean, she likes you and he likes you, you've seen each other naked and he's been inside you, but this is suddenly the end of the world? It doesn't make sense."

"You- you should t be allowed to talk." Calum argues. "This feels a lot like denial. You're telling me that at no point either of you have admitted to anything? You haven't said anything even slightly romantic? You've just, had sex and then fallen over things?"

"Luke, honey. Stop talking." Elise rests her hand on my shoulder. "You don't find it weird?" I asked. "It's just not your thing to pry at, not unless they ask."

"Oh. I didn't know, sorry." Aimee turns to face me. Staring at me with her puppy eyes. "I think she's fine. He'll survive. Somehow."

"Aims did you still want this party tonight? You say no and it's cancelled instantly." She frowns at me. "That's stupid. No I'm not stopping myself from drinking because of this, plus Calum says there's ice cream so, I'm going."

"Okay. I'm hungry, let's go." Dragging them all out onto the street, I walk down towards the diner. "Don't know where you're- going. Fuck." Calum pulls me back. "What? What happened?"

"Is that your mom?" Mason whispered. "Yes- fuck. Fuck she saw us."

"Calum," Elise whispered. "It's fine." Elise never really talks about her mum, understandably of course. "Calum, Elise. You haven't called at all. Starting to think you use me for money."

"Ew." I mumbled. "Excuse me?" Calum on the other hand, he told me everything. "You acting like you have money to be used for. It's weird."

"Pardon me, I'm not even sure who you are, how dare you speak to me like that." I gasp. "Oh I'm so fucking sorry. Please, keeping fucking talking."

"You two should know better than to make friends with people like this." My god. "Most people know not to cheat on their husbands with men who can't even pay off their gambling addiction Sarah, but I guess there has to be a few that people can learn from right?"

She was ignoring me now, but I could see her just about ready to slap me. I didn't give a fuck, after what Calum told me, I'll say just about anything to get her out of here.

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now