September 25th.

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"Woah, I've never been in your dorm before this is odd. It's so full of life." Calum trips over my bed, rolling onto the floor. "How've you managed that then?"

"With great skill. I am bored. Save me." My door bursts open, Aimee stood there like she was ready to jump at me. "I am not asking her to be your friend Aimee, this is ridiculous."

"Do it!" She yells. "No. You fucking do it, you're 18 years old and you don't have the balls to slow a friend?" Calum scoffs. "Dude you somehow managed to make Kurt order something other than black coffee. You are not the person to be yelling that."

"Kurt is a wonderful man and I love him. Don't talk shit about Kurt." Aimee makes her way in. "Kurt? Black coffee Kurt? Sexy Kurt?" My god. "Did you just call him sexy? He's like 50." She laughs. "Sorry. My god. Have you seen the man, beekeeping age."

"That's disgusting. Truly." She shrugs. "Luke we need to find you a wife, what can you do? What are your talents?"

"What the fuck? No." She sits at the end of my bed. "Come on. Spill it."

"I can do a backflip." She didn't seem too impressed by it. "That's such a boy answer, tell me something else."

"Okay. I can- uh, I can play the guitar with my tongue." Calum sat up so fast I'd thought he'd gotten whiplash. "What?!" They yelled in unison. "What? It's so easy."

"You don't get to say that, you learned how to do a backflip in thirty seconds." Calum argues. "Okay fine it's not easy. What do you want from me?" The door bursts open again.

Julia stood by my door in a huff. "What did he do?" I asked, knowing full well my father had fucked up somehow. "He asks me in a date, we go on a date, it was a fucking perfect date, best date I've ever been on, I call him I asked mother wants to go on another date, he says no."

"Did you give him a day? A time?" She frowns. "What? No but we could've figured that out." I shake my head slow. "No, Julia. That man needs specifics, you have to ask him like you're in the goddamn army. Set a date, tell him when, where, I know for a fact that if I go into his room he will have a paper from everything he'd planned for your date."

"That, is fucking adorable. But also, how the fuck was I supposed to know that?" I sigh. "You just, know, sometimes. The man's head is filled with random screws that are half tightened. Don't ask him, tell him. Cause he'll get insecure and question if you actually want to go on a date. I've learned my way around doing that because of him."

"Oh. Okay. I guess- if you smoke in here again I'm smacking you into next week. Got it?" I shake my head. "Ei anteeksi, en ymmärrä mitä tarkoitat."

"Stop speaking Finnish to me women! Stop smoking pot in my dorms too, please."

"Fine. Oh he can't go this week cause he's doing stuff and I need that stuff off his schedule, if you ask him out this week he'll say yes and I'll have to reorganise his schedule and I can't, do that again."

"My god you're both as bad as each other. Send me the schedule." I hold up my hand. "Wait right there." I lean over, reaching into my draw, Calum peaking in. "Damn!"

"Oh my god, go away." Taking the paper from the file. I pass it over. "You photocopied it?"

"Yes. I hate whiteboards. The noise is awful. That's his schedule. Don't help him. Don't call him, please let him get this done."

"I thought you needed these done for you?" She laughs. "These are all business calls."

"Yes and I'm sick of taking them. I don't give a shit about the business behind music. I don't want to tell people what to do."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now