September 27th.

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"Theo you look so smart." I haven't been to this end of the school before, I guess it would've been a little weird considering I have no reason to. "Thank you. What about my shoes?"

"They can't dress code you, you are basically blocked from being in trouble, unless you cause real trouble, that's a different story." We stop by his classroom. "I'm scared."

"Don't be. There's lots of kids in here with the same story. Come on, it'll be fine." He was slow but we made it. "Oh, hello Luke." I nod. "I'm just dropping Theo off."

"Woah! His shoes light up!" Tyler yells from the back. "They have Spiderman on them too, his mum bought them for him."

I kneel down. "Your mum is available to call whenever you need, or I am just in that building down there, but there's so many kids in here that would be so lucky to be your friend, I promise you if anything bad happens it will be dealt with. But it is unlikely."

"You can't stay for the day?" He whispered. "Unfortunately I do have my own classes to get to. But I'll see you after school, we can go to the beach and I- I can take you down to San Diego with me and Elise. Yeah?"

"I'm scared." His lip started quivering. "I know my love. I get it, but they're all very nice. You're safe from whatever it is you're scared of."

"Miss! Miss!" One of them yells. "My seat is empty. He can sit here. Please."

"See, okay I have to go. I'll see you later okay." I was so unbelievably late it wasn't even funny. "Okay. Bye." He gives pretty good hugs. "I'll see you later I promise Theo. Stop worrying."

"Okay. No I'm fine. My shoes light up I'm perfect. Okay goodbye."


"Okay who can tell me the answer to number three-" the door bursts open, Julia rushing over to my seat. "Oh my god, this is really unprofessional."

"What does this mean?" I read over the text, six fucking times I read it. "It's a typo, he said he'll see you later and not to worry about the shoes. He forgot the n in don't. That's it."

"So I'm fine? I'm fine. Sorry Mrs Lee." She just looked really confused. Her dating my dad has caused her to do some odd things, everybody is around to see it unfold. "She's so weird."

"She's not your mom." Daniel whispered. "No idiot. His mom wouldn't be Mexican, stupid ass." Quinn butted in. "Well I didn't know- wait she's Mexican? Her last name is Korean."

"It's Japanese, oh my god Daniel you're so fucking stupid." Quinn groans. "Right but still. Her last name is Asian, she is not Asian."

"Her Mums father was Japanese and when her mum married her dad, they took her mums name." I explained. "Oh, see that's how you answer somebody Quinn. Don't be such a hater."

"Okay. Now that that's out of the way. Number three?" I raise my hand. "Yes?"

"3." She nods. "Correct. Elsie your own is going to break. It's okay to give yourself some time to relax." I snatch the pen from her hand. "I was in the middle of writing."

"You're stressing. You need to drink some water." She was on the brink of losing it. "I need someone to come up and copy this with the right answer."

"I need my pen back. Please." She has the crazy eyes. "No. This isn't healthy, did Calum let you just walk around like this all day?"

"Yes because he knows it's important. Give me my pen back." She looks like she was ready to bite me. "Elise this is really bad, your hair is going to start falling out if you keep doing that- Miss can I take her- towards some, grass or something, she's cracked."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now