September 17th.

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Stopping in the walk in. I hold my heart over my heart, trying to catch my breath before I started to cry again. "Fuck."

I thought maybe I'd have trouble at school but not here too. My vision was blurring and I couldn't seem to pull myself together.

I just had ti get over myself quick, grabbing what I came in here for and wiping my eyes.

Walking out to find Elise stood there with a frown. "You were in there for too long." She mumbled. "I couldn't find the butter."

"Are you crying?" She asked, seeming a little less quiet than usual. "Nope." I was in the middle of making a cake and I'd almost started crying? If I'd gotten any tears in the cake it would've been pretty gross.

"Luke." She said quietly. "Yeah?" She pushes the bowl away, resting my hands on the counter. "You're pale. Your heart is beating way too fast, you need to sit down."

"Why?" I laughed. "You know why." If I sit down I'm not going to get back up. "I'm fine."

I went back to what I was doing. Eventually getting myself out of whatever mess I'd gotten myself into. "How'd you make that kind of purple? I like it."

"The baby blue and light pink." Vince rests his arm on my shoulder. "I like it. Why didn't you put baking on your resume?"

"I don't know." He tuts. "Luke can you help me out here." I followed behind Elsie. B lining for the counter. "Hi, what can I get for you today?"

"Do you have any of those shortbread cookies?" I nod. "Yes we do. Did you want any drinks?" She hums. "Latte?"

"Syrups?" I asked with a smile. She tuts. "You're draining my money. Sure, I'll have the coconut syrup." She laughed. "Good choice, coconut coffee and raspberry cookie? Sounds good."

"Oh you're so right actually. Oh my name is Lisa, for the order." The line went down pretty quickly once Vince started helping.

But then I got to that one customer that not even I could figure out. "My coffee is cold, my cookie is dry and my table is a mess."

"Your coffee is still steaming, your cookie is not supposed to be wet and your table is a mess because you purposefully sat down where we hadn't cleaned just yet."

"Excuse me? I don't think this is an appropriate response. Remake my coffee." I was not in the mood. "You gonna say please?"

"Remake my coffee. Now. I want a new cookie too." She throws it on the counter making it shatter everywhere, my smile just as wide as it was before. "You're throwing a tantrum. You see that right?"

"Remake my coffee!" She screams. "No." She throws the cup at me. "Fuck you!"

"Jokes on you cause I'm getting paid to fight with you." John stands at the side of the woman, who seemed pretty smug for a second. "Did she just throw that at you?" I nod. "It is very hot."

"Ma'am you're under arrest for assault..." I twinkle my fingers at her with a smile, walking into the back and almost passing out from how fucking hot this was. "Holy shit."

"Are you good?" Pulling the shirt from off my stomach. I gave her a quick nod. "You're gonna need to sit down. I need to write a report."

"Oh that's great." She sits me down in the corner, I slide down the seat a little, holding my hands over my stomach. "Lift your shirt up- stop smiling. Luke you're burnt this is bad."

"I'm just glad it wasn't my pants. I like these pants- you're very pretty. Holy shit." She presses the gel onto my stomach. "Sh."

"This is cold. Is this what pregnant women feel when they get an ultra sound?" She nods. "I guess."

A Letter To Elise. Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now