I need to train

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Mateo: If you even thought for a second I would let you kill me you must outta your GOD-GIVEN MIND.

Ezekiel starts bleeding when Mateo pulls out the sword, and Ezekiel grabs his wound and kicks Mateo across the battlefield.

Ezekiel: Why wasn't my death saver working I could have gotten away if it had worked or even tried to turn itself on, why is this happening?


Ezekiel's mind: Yoooooooooooooooooooo Deon I just figured out why I had a question mark, okay so since I can almost die at any time I wouldn't have a set counter of how many times I could almost die, and every time I almost die I get more powerful increasing the potential I have since I can't fill in my own potential and then overflow it with me almost dying again. Deon? Deeoooonnnnn?! DEON!?!?! WHERE ARE YOU, Deon?

Ezekiel looks around and sits down, closing his eyes, and starts meditating

Ezekiel: Where are you, Deon?

A black skull appears in Ezekiel's mind and crumbles into a shadowy figure, Ezekiel opens his eyes and sees a shadowy figure far in the distance.


Aura: Get up Ezekiel, you still have work to do.

The wound on Ezekiel's chest heals and Ezekiel stands up and stares at Aura as he grabs the gun from the ground, shoots her in the leg, and tries to punch her but Mateo zooms up to his face and places a hand on Ezekiel's face.


Ezekiel sucks up the spell and spits it back at Mateo but Mateo dodges the spit, placing some dynamite under Ezekiel and lighting it creating an explosion and letting Mateo and Aura escape.

Kids: Hey mister, look you are on that screen!

Ezekiel stares at a billboard with his name and face on it with a 5 billion dollar bounty, Ezekiel grabs the first kid he sees and places their hand on his watch.

Ezekiel: It wouldn't be This is the last time you will see ME but just know it is exactly what you think DEON!?! Wait so there were survivors and these are the survivors... Deon? You know what I will just find out myself.

Ezekiel's watch pricks the kid's hand causing blood to rush onto Ezekiel's watch, creating a screen with the child's DNA showing him being Ty.

Kid: Wait, Prince Ezekiel, is that you?

Ezekiel: Hello Tidus.

Kieron: You killed my brother, he was the only one to treat me like a person.

Kieron starts to glow as he drops to the ground pulling a rocket launcher out of his pocket and shooting it at Ezekiel, but Ezekiel stands there throwing Tidus so Tidus can rebuild Tydskrag.


Ezekiel: Wait, was that paper?


Kieron: Ezekiel Tyd, you killed my family, and want to hurt my friends, you will die for your crimes.

Kieron cuts his hand letting his blood drip on the floor, he then starts walking dripping the blood into a circle, taking a blue hair out of a bottle placing it in the circle.


Kieron's body started to look smoother, as Bon's body starts flying to Kieron landing at his feet and sucking the soul from Kieron's body.

Kieron: Ezechiel Tyd Rozkazuję ci zabić wszystkich, którzy są z twojego kraju.

Ezekiel's eyes turn red as he starts to walk towards the children but then he shakes his head and is returned to normal.

Bon: Just so you know Mr. Tyd I implanted those kids with killer drugs that will make them want to kill anything they see, but only if I say the secret words.

Ezekiel: You aren't smart enough for that, plus you wouldn't kill kids.

Bon shows Ezekiel a tablet with the skeleton of the five kids, and miniature robots in their brain controlling everything they do.

Bon: Now do you think I am smart enough, also you are right I wouldn't kill a kid, but you will.

Ezekiel grabs his sword and starts to walk towards Bon with a frown on his face.

Bon: Ezekiel I make you my puppet of destruction kill the kids!

Ezekiel's mind: I have one thing to do if whatever Bon says is true, I will have to kill them, but I may have one chance to study how he was revived and kill him for good. I won't let those kids die, they won't have to know much pain so with all the power in my body I will protect those kids UMOYA!

Ezekiel puts his hand on Bon's mouth as the air in Bon's lungs shoots out his nose ripping pieces of his nose and face-off, but Ezekiel stands still, his eyes turn green and he starts to vibrate as his body starts running backward as Ezekiel's body flies off the battlefield traveling back to Tydskrag.

Ezekiel: What in the world just happened, T... Tydskrag!?!?

The statue Ezekiel was on started to rebuild itself as all the flames and explosions started to reverse as the bomb flew away, and the lives of Imani, Mom, and everyone in Tydskrag were returned as the bomb started to come down again.

Ezekiel's mind: *Flashback 2 years*

Mom: Ezekiel you know what Tyd means correct?

Ezekiel: Doesn't it mean time?

Mom: Do you know why our last name is Tyd?

Ezekiel: No I thought that is just how it was.

Mom: Ezekiel we were given this name so we will always be able to protect our loved ones for all of time.

*End of flashback*

Wait can I control aspects of time and space? If I was able to reverse all the damage and have my body reversed back over here, plus when I get super close to dying I can stop time or at least slow it down to an insane amount.

Ezekiel: Mom, Imani get down!

Ezekiel's wings sprout as he grabs Imani and Mom pushing them under his wings as the bomb goes off.


Ezekiel: Nothing changed...

Ezekiel's body reverses as the same thing happens again and again.

Ezekiel: Take 2795 maybe this one is it.

Ezekiel turns his head as he sees that all the Tobian members are gone and were never there.

Ezekiel: Are those the kids from Toby?

Bon: Come on Ezekiel, kill the kids and I won't cause you any more pain.

Ezekiel's mind: No more... NO MORE PAIN!

Ezekiel puts his hand out as he throws the kids into the woods and starts a green to kill the kids.

Ezekiel: DIE!!!

Ezekiel kills all the other Ty alive falling to the ground crying.

Bon: You see that folks Ezekiel Tyd just killed a bunch of innocent kids because he thought it would end his pain.

Mateo: It looks like you are enemy number 1, now run away Ezekiel, and never come back.

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