
A loud alarm starts going off, the United States starts going on lockdown, and a giant red, white, and blue bubble encases the country, Ezekiel tries to fly out but he is too late and is trapped in the bubble falling from 100 miles in the air.

Ezekiel: YUN!

Ezekiel's mind: Yup got it, one non-flattened prince of a wiped out country comping right up! You didn't have to say all that.

The air around Ezekiel became solid as he hit the ground shooting Ezekiel 20 feet in the air.

???: Who are you, and how did you survive that fall?

Ezekiel: I am... Alke... Alke Jade, but I go by AJ, how bout you?

???: I'm not telling you my name FREAK, you landed in my neighborhood, you know this is a private neighborhood, and people like you aren't allowed in here given you are all so broke, NIGGE-

The white lady with a bad haircut takes her phone out and calls the police.

???: Hello 911, yes there is a drug dealer at my house, he is getting aggressive, he tried to shoot a spell at me, and he has a gun, please come quick.

*Wee woo wee woo*

Ezekiel's mind: How in the worlds did they get here so fast, this is the reason we don't like outsiders, they do stuff like this. Kill them HUH Kill them it is simple grab me and let me do all the work, then you can pay me back I can't kill anyone, not anymore I have caused enough bloodshed, do you not remember the kids I murdered, the pain and agony of being chased all throughout the world and one of my only safe places is Australia, Australia of all places, one of the most dangerous places on Earth is probably one of the safest spots I can be right now Just kill them, once they die you can just live on the run, it isn't too bad you know No I don't know because living on the run is the worst thing happening to me right now. Right now but not in your entire life. Be quiet Eli!

Police officer: Sir put your hands where I can see them!



Ezekiel: At least can you tell me where I am just real quick?

Police officer: Ugh fine you are in Miranda City, specifically Hamilton Street, the greatest city in all the world, we lead in broadway shows and movie making, we are known as New Hollywood, I am getting sidetracked, Pow pow pow!

A small gust of wind slightly pushes Ezekiel back as 3 bullets fly at Ezekiel from the front, back, and left but stands there in the way of the bullets, Ezekiel stares at the officer as time suddenly stops

Ezekiel in a sad and desperate tone: Huh why is this back, my time stop is back, why... why won't you just let me die, I stood still for a reason... What are you?

Deon: I am you... I am the one who goes around finding you and rebuilding your resolve, I am the reason you keep going in life, I am Marxwell Tyd.

Ezekiel: Dad!?!

Dad: Hey kiddo, haven't seen you in a while.

Ezekiel: Dad, I love you, I missed you where have you been?

Dad: I need a favor, Ezekiel, I want you to take all my power and learn how to use them, go to this location and you will learn why I did everything.

Ezekiel: Lin County penitentiary, Dad how will this help me?

The mouth of the police officer is welded shut as Dad disappears into smoke.

Ezekiel: What happened, Dad... DAD?!?

A group of police cars show up as Ezekiel throws his arms up and drops to his knees, a police officer handcuffs Ezekiel and shoves him in the car.

Police officer: Kid you are going away for quite a while, drug dealing and attempted murder are some very heavy crimes.

The police officer gets in the car and a purple light flashes in the backseat, the car starts up as Ezekiel sits up and leans forward.

Ezekiel: So what prison am I going to?

Police officer: Lin County Penitentiary so we can hold you before you get sentenced, but what's your name, you seem to be quite young but you look quite large.

Ezekiel: You calling me fat?

Police officer: No I mean large as in tall you are like 8 feet tall, sorry if I offended you.

Ezekiel: No offense taken, I am 12 by the way, just so you know.

Police officer: For real real, THAT'S INSANE, HOW CAN YOU LOOK LIKE A LITERAL NAVY SEAL AT 12?!?

Ezekiel: What's today's date officer?

Bob: Please call me Bob, also it is September 20th, 2029, are you mentally challenged?

Ezekiel: First off you are old enough to have experienced the plague of cancelation from the 2020s and 2010s.

Bob: You act like that wasn't only 20 to 30 years ago that wasn't too long ago.

Ezekiel: You could have become a father, bought a house and a car, and paid it off about seventy-five percent off the way.

Bob: Boy we live in America, you ain't even able to buy a house but at least they lowered taxes and raised minimum wage, too bad they didn't lower house prices.

Ezekiel: So how long till we get to the penitentiary Mr. Bob?

Bob: About 5 minutes left, now I got a question, what's your story, where's ya parents at?

Ezekiel's mind: Think think what kind of question is that?

Ezekiel: Parents died, I got sent to foster care, broke out, and have been living on the street and now I obtained some drugs from a random crackhead and I needed food to eat and now we are here but I never use magick, I am strictly against it to kill or try to kill someone.

Bob: What's ya name kid?

Ezekiel: Alke Jade, why would you want to know?

Bob: So you are 12 years old, your parents' names are Nora and Marx.

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