I miss my Dad

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*Ezekiel's mind*

Ezekiel: I can't believe I almost died or at least thought I almost died, how did I unlock my magick but not on the day Dad did that?

*7 years ago*

Ezekiel: DAD!!! HI DAD!

Knight: Young prince please refrain from touching the king.

Dad: No it is fine, I haven't seen my family in such a long time given all these meetings, come here buddy.

Ezekiel runs to Marxwell and hugs his father

Ezekiel: Dad why dou yyuo alkays leave?

Dad: Ezekiel talk properly, since I have been gone so long I will cook you your favorite, some chicken alfredo and we can get some ice cream.

Ezekiel: Okay! Come on Dad, Mom has been wanting to see you.

Ezekiel and Marxwell start to walk but then are sucked into a portal.

Mom: Hey honey.

Dad: Why do you not sound happy to see me?

Mom: Who said I was talking to you deadbeat? Hey baby.

Ezekiel: Hi Mommy.

Dad: Come on Ezekiel I am going to show you a little secret

Ezekiel's mind: Why doesn't Daddy and Mommy always argue wait what could the secret be oooo is he gonna show me how to shoot fireballs, or how to become a Power Trooper?

Me and Dad walk to the grand hallway with the big pictures of the royal family members before me and Dad stops right under Grandpa I never cared to learn your name Gramps but then Dad mutters some words and the wall OPENS!

Dad: Ezekiel come with me I am going to show you how to become a strong king when I am gone.

Ezekiel's mind: Why is Dad talking like this?

Ezekiel: Dad why are you talking like this, what do you mean when you are gone?

Dad: Don't worry just sleep.

Ezekiel's mind:Why did Dad's voice just do t-------------------

Ezekiel's mind: What just happened where am I?

Ezekiel: DAD, MOM, IMANI!

Dad: Shhhh Ezekiel it is alright just calm down.

Ezekiel: Dad what happened?

Dad: I had to make something but I needed your body to do it.

Ezekiel: What do you mean my body?

Dad: Well Ezekiel, your body has extreme healing ability but  it doesn't come from your skin but your blood. I have created a little child of sorts.

Ezekiel: Wait does that make me a Dad now?

Dad: Uuhmmmmmmmmmmm sure technically since y'all are blood related but also they are part spider and a white sticky substance.

Ezekiel: Wait like a marshmallow?

Dad: Yeahhhhhhhhh no but yes, anyways I need it to be close to you so it can develop along with your blood but bye-bye.

Dad walked away but not before cutting my stomach open as the wall opens up to the sunlight and shuts lighting a candle. I lay on the ground looking at the blood leaking out of me onto the marshmallow in front of me as I sit there and cry listening having it ingrained into my brain that my Dad loves me and will never harm me.

Ezekiel's mind:  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you Dad loves you, I will never hurt you Dad loves you, I will never hurt you Dad loves you, I will never hurt you Dad loves you, I will never hurt you Dad loves you, I will never hurt you.

Time went by, time was my only friend during this period within like five minutes my cut healed but the blood never dried, the marshmallow grew eyes that were like mine at first but then a second set of eyes grew and then the eye color changed from green to white to red, to black.


The wall exploded open and Imani walked through seeing me on the ground, I tried to wipe my tears but the chains binding my legs and arms just enough so I could almost reach the teleporting wall but never reaching it.

Imani: Ezekiel

Imani falls to the ground and cries but gets right back up to undo my chains, once she is done she hugs me and cries.

Imani: I haven't seen you in three months, why are you back here, there wasn't even this room here until actually never your Mom just wanted to get rid of all things related to your dad.

Ezekiel: Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you.

Imani hugs me harder and yells out to my Mom.

Imani: Mama two, I FOUND EZEKIEL.

In a total of two seconds, a portal forms yanking me through into a hug. I can't hear anything all I hear is  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you  Dad loves you, I will never hurt you, but I still hug her knowing I am safe.

Mom: Ezekiel, why were you gone for so long?

Mom started to cry staring into my emerald green eyes as her eyes widen

Mom: Why are your eyes gold? Wait the legend is true.

Mom pushes me onto the floor.

Mom: Yo... you... you're cursed but if never mind, Ezekiel I'm sorry but I will explain when you hit puberty.

Ezekiel wakes up from the nap he took realizing he is in the air being carried by 007.

Ezekiel: What is happening?

In Bon's squeaky voice he yells out.

Bon: Don't worry bro we are all being carried by Grondkrag to your country.

The wings reaching out a total of 14 feet on each side flapping rhythmically finally stops as Ezekiel, Mateo, Aura, Bon and the agents all fall out the sky as their wings are frozen falling straight through a bubble making them invisible.


Ezekiel calms down as the wind surrounds him and his friends laying them softly on the ground.

Ezekiel: I can't die I am cursed and until I break this curse I will not die.

Shabooboo: Sounds like a blessing, if I had immortality I wouldn't call that a curse but a blessing so I could eat all the bananas in existence.

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